Tablet is going to be found a dime to a dozen in the US by 2014. By then the proliferation of the tablet would be such that every third American would own a tablet. The total figure of tablet owners would have shot up to 89.5 million by that year. These are as per forecast reports from eMarketer who specialize is market research studies. However, they also predict tablet sales … [Read more...] about Will the Apple iPad still be king of the Tablets in the next few years?
Kindle Fire
Kindle Fire is the Most Sought After Tablet This Season After iPad
The Kindle Fire is here and is making waves that have reached Apple shores. Market research firm Changewave Research decided to find out how in-demand the Fire actually is, and have concluded the Kindle Fire is close on the heels of the iPad as far as demand and popularity goes. As per their report, Kindle Fire will emerge the second most purchased tablet device this holiday … [Read more...] about Kindle Fire is the Most Sought After Tablet This Season After iPad
HP TouchPad Users Can Now Connect to the Android Market
Google has opened up the Android Market to those devices that did not come pre-installed with the app store. A minor update was all that was needed so users of the HP TouchPad, the Barnes & Noble Nook, or the Kindle Fire can now have access to the Android Market. All that they have to do is download and install Android Market on their device. The Android Market website has … [Read more...] about HP TouchPad Users Can Now Connect to the Android Market
Roundup of Black Friday 2011 Deals on e-Readers
Buying an e-book reader or a tablet (or for that matter, any other gadget) on Black Friday can be rewarding, though if you haven't done your research you could miss out on some great deals. Presented here is a compilation of some the best deals you can have on two of the biggest selling e-readers currently available. Black Friday deals on the Amazon Kindle Think of … [Read more...] about Roundup of Black Friday 2011 Deals on e-Readers
Essential Apps for the Amazon Kindle Fire and How to Install Them
The Amazon Kindle Fire is proving to be a critical success for the company and they should be shipping 5 million units by the end of the year. The Amazon App Store is populated with a ton of Android programs for your device, but it does not have everything you might want. If you live outside of the USA and are not using an American address and credit card on your Amazon … [Read more...] about Essential Apps for the Amazon Kindle Fire and How to Install Them
How to Load eBooks on the Amazon Kindle Fire
In today's video tutorial we teach you how to load ebooks on your new Amazon Kindle Fire. There are two main programs we teach you how to use today, Calibre and Windows Explorer. Calibre is a free open source program that allows you to easily edit books and then upload them to your device. One of the main reasons why this program is great is because you can easily edit books … [Read more...] about How to Load eBooks on the Amazon Kindle Fire
Nook Tablet VS Kindle Fire Comparison
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Video! Today we evaluate the key differences between the latest devices to hit the market, the Amazon Kindle Fire and Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet. Some of the main differences between these two devices are on the hardware spectrum and the Nook Tablet edges out the Kindle Fire in a few areas. Both devices have a Dual-Core 1GHZ CPU processor … [Read more...] about Nook Tablet VS Kindle Fire Comparison
Amazon Kindle Fire Hands on Review
The Amazon Kindle Fire has been one of the most eagerly anticipated Android Tablet PCs of 2011. Ever since it was leaked a few months ago that the tablet was coming out, people have been clambering for more information. Now that it has arrived, people are flocking in droves to pick one up. The company gives you many benefits with purchasing their new device, including one free … [Read more...] about Amazon Kindle Fire Hands on Review
Amazon Kindle Fire Unboxing Video
Welcome to another Good e-Reader Exclusive Video! Today we unbox the brand new Amazon Kindle Fire Android 2.3 Tablet PC! In this video we show you everything that comes in the retail box and show you all of the hardware. Finally, we wrap it up and do a first time bootup! This gives you a indication of the setup process and how the main menus look. … [Read more...] about Amazon Kindle Fire Unboxing Video
Demand for the iPad Dwindles for the First Time
The iPad has finally got a contender that could seriously affect its sales for the first time since Apple launched the tablet back in April 3, 2010. Also, the last thing Apple might have expected is a tablet from Amazon coming along to make things tough for the all conquering iPad. That Apple iPad sales are slowing down is indeed turning out to be a reality with the arrival of … [Read more...] about Demand for the iPad Dwindles for the First Time