The American Library Association in conjunction with the Book Industry Study Group conducted a survey of 2,000 people and found some disappointing news when it comes to digital content. 25% of patrons reported that they had borrowed an e-book within the past year, and even fewer (9%) said they had checked out a digital audiobook. A recent report by the Library Journal has … [Read more...] about 25% of library patrons borrowed an e-book in 2015
Wyoming is doing wonderful things with e-books
Wyoming is in the process of combining the e-book collections of their State Library system and the University of Wyoming. This is one of the first times that the central library system has partnered with a major school in order to offer far more digital content than they could ever do as singular entities. The Cloud Library CloudLink service allows users from the UW and … [Read more...] about Wyoming is doing wonderful things with e-books
Here is one great way to help your public library
Your local library is publicly funded by the community and government. The money they get primarily goes to staff and insuring there are enough print and e-books to be loaned out to everyone. You might not know this, but there is a way to help your local library and buy things at the same time. Amazon Smile is a program that is based in the US and it allows you to buy things … [Read more...] about Here is one great way to help your public library
New research highlights expanded roles of libraries
A majority of the United States nearly 17,000 public libraries provide programs to help identify health insurance resources and also training to increase familiarity with new technologies, according to a new study from the American Library Association (ALA). This year’s Digital Inclusion Survey caps two decades of research on public libraries and the internet and the expanded … [Read more...] about New research highlights expanded roles of libraries
These are the Most Popular Books in US Libraries
Public libraries in the United States are the destination of choice to checkout new books, without breaking the bank. Titles like Harper Lee’s Go Set a Watchman and Paula Hawkins’ novel The Girl on the Train have huge waiting lists and this has prompted people to take a gander at new material. Today, lets look at the top books all over the US, mapped by city excluding the two … [Read more...] about These are the Most Popular Books in US Libraries
How Does Your Library Encourage Reading?
Many libraries are trying out new tactics in order to encourage people to read. Some are giving book recommendations on your checkout receipt based on the title you borrowed, while others track the number of books you read and if you read 1,000 before the child enters kindergarten (repeats are okay) they get a backpack, a certificate, and their name on the wall. One … [Read more...] about How Does Your Library Encourage Reading?
Digital Editions Fill the Gaps Where Library Catalogs Dwindle
The digital reading space has come a long way from the era in which public libraries had little to offer in the way of ebooks, digital magazines, or digital newspapers. Some libraries, in fact, such as the Riverside Public Library in California, have face dramatic cuts to their print circulations. According to an article in The Press Enterprise, the library lost nearly 300 … [Read more...] about Digital Editions Fill the Gaps Where Library Catalogs Dwindle
Former Walmart Store Transformed Into an Amazing Library
Big box stores such as Walmart proliferate the United States and each location tends to take up close to 2.5 football fields. In total Walmart accounts for 698 million square feet of land in the U.S and the environmental impact is quite staggering. When these stores close, they often fall into a state of disrepair and most retail companies cannot justify such a large location. … [Read more...] about Former Walmart Store Transformed Into an Amazing Library
Libraries Experience Challenges with Generating Revenue from e-Books
Libraries all over North America are being challenged with generating revenue from their e-book collection. Digital content automatically expires after 21 days, so there is no way to collect on late fees. Aside from public funding, these fees have been necessary to keep the library sustainable. The Richmond Public Library in British Columbia has a current operating budget of … [Read more...] about Libraries Experience Challenges with Generating Revenue from e-Books
ALA to Craft a Monumental Survey on the State of Digital in Libraries
Libraries in all over the world are embracing digital content as major publishers have firmly committed themselves making audiobooks and e-Books available. The American Library Association knows that 95% of all US libraries have an e-book collection. That’s up from 89% in both 2013 and 2012, when researchers thought that adoption had plateaued for good. In provide key … [Read more...] about ALA to Craft a Monumental Survey on the State of Digital in Libraries