When author Solomon Inkwell queried agents with his YA vampire novel Vickie Van Helsing, he received an immediate, eager response. The literary agent who called, however, had only just finished praising the sample chapters when he said, "But I can't sell a vampire novel to a publisher. What else ya got?" Inkwell, who had taken almost two years to pen his debut novel, turned … [Read more...] about Hybrid Crowdfunding Blends Two Publishing Paths
Indie Author Tools to Self-Publish Audiobooks
Good e-Reader published an interview with ACX, Amazon's self-publishing platform for audiobooks, over a year ago, and the site has seen tremendous growth in the number of titles produced. Authors have the ability to self-publish audio editions of their content under a couple of different payment models, including one that requires very little upfront investment on the part of … [Read more...] about Indie Author Tools to Self-Publish Audiobooks
New Startup Blookist Streamlines the Blog-to-Book Concept
Blogging is an interesting concept, one that draws millions of writers around the globe. From the generic "things I'm thinking right now" style of simply writing for the joy of it, to the very profitable and thematic blogs that reach a vast audience, the tool itself is as straightforward as it is genius. One company, Blookist, is looking for an easier way to let blog authors … [Read more...] about New Startup Blookist Streamlines the Blog-to-Book Concept
Author Tools from This Year’s BEA
BookExpo America is the largest North American publishing event and it has grown to encompass nearly every aspect of the book industry. From dedicated book blogger events and author book signings to digital business conferences and platform launches, if it involves books in any way, it happens at BookExpo. This year, Good e-Reader came across a number of platforms whose … [Read more...] about Author Tools from This Year’s BEA
Crowdfunding Opportunities for Authors Evolve with Pentian
Crowdfunding has grown into a popular method of securing much-needed financial backing for countless startups, charities, and projects, but the concept has already developed a few bugs, notably that there are a lot of options to choose from when looking for this kind of financial launchpad. Companies seem to be springing up overnight in an effort to capitalize on the percentage … [Read more...] about Crowdfunding Opportunities for Authors Evolve with Pentian
Wizeo Book Funding Platform Takes Advantage of Video to Increase Exposure
Crowdfunding is certainly not a new idea, with sites like Kickstarter and IndieGoGo launching new startups and products every day. But when it comes to books, there's definitely a different mindset behind investing in the creation of a book. Pubslush, the crowdfunding platform specifically for books, has revolutionized the concept of supporting an author's writing and … [Read more...] about Wizeo Book Funding Platform Takes Advantage of Video to Increase Exposure
Pubslush Announces Contest for Children’s Book Week
With its focus on helping authors meet the financial needs of publishing books, Pubslush does more than just create a platform for book preorders. Yesterday, vice president and co-founder Amanda Barbara spoke to Good e-Reader about a contest the site is hosting through their company, the Little Reader Snapshot Contest. In conjunction with the Children's Book Council and … [Read more...] about Pubslush Announces Contest for Children’s Book Week
Authorpreneurship and the Business of Being an Author
At today's PubSmartCon panels, industry professionals presented a panel on the business side of being a career writer under a newly coined term, authorpreneur. By viewing being a published author, regardless of the mode of publication, as a small business owner with serious investment concerns and prioritization to be met. A panel presented by Amanda Barbara of book … [Read more...] about Authorpreneurship and the Business of Being an Author
PubSmartCon Kicks Off Tomorrow in Charleston
A revolution in writing and publishing conferences will kick off tomorrow in Charleston, South Carolina, one that is working to bridge all aspects of the publishing industries to better enable professionals of every kind. Alongside self-publishing mainstays like Hugh Howey, Nook Press, and Bibliocrunch will be speakers like Stephanie Bowen of Sourcebooks and Tracey Adams of … [Read more...] about PubSmartCon Kicks Off Tomorrow in Charleston
PubSmartcon: Reenvisioning the Writer’s Conference
Writers' conferences have long been a source of networking and support for authors looking to hone their crafts and develop their business acumen for life in the publishing industry. One of the biggest lures to attract writers to conferences has always been well-known keynote speakers selected from top literary agents and publishers. Even better, many conferences offer authors … [Read more...] about PubSmartcon: Reenvisioning the Writer’s Conference