Gotta catch 'em all... or something like that. Rabid fans of the hot new app-based geolocation game Pokemon Go have something new to keep them busy, at least while they're not out chasing down non-existent cartoon characters. Author Chuck Tingle--who truly is in a class all by himself when it comes to publishing intrepidly timely erotica--has released a brand-new title, … [Read more...] about Pokemon Go Erotica Hits eBook Shelves
self publishing
Bodice-Ripper No More: Harlequin Branches Out into the Mainstream
Historically, the name Harlequin has been so closely tied to romance publishing that it's almost like "kleenex" or "coke": the brand is virtually synonymous with the product in the minds of the public. Of course, in any kind of book circle, Harlequin also means a specific expectation within romance; it will be steamy, it will have a happy ending, and it might be the kind of … [Read more...] about Bodice-Ripper No More: Harlequin Branches Out into the Mainstream
Get Patriotic with Some Donald Trump Fan Fic
Happy Independence Day to all those US readers who celebrate. In between the barbecuing and the fireworks and the drinking, today would be a great day to slip away for some steamy private time by curling up with a hot, trashy, erotic romance. And who better to star in your government-based fantasies than the Orange One himself, Donald Trump? Yes, Trump erotica has been on … [Read more...] about Get Patriotic with Some Donald Trump Fan Fic
Move Over Wattpad, Sweek Seeks Authors, Readers
In the world of digital publishing, there are a lot of copycats but only a handful of genuine game changers. Amazon's KDP changed the entire industry model for self-published authors, while Kobo opened up a global market for producing and selling ebooks in nearly every language. In that vein, Wattpad rethought the entire concept of what a published story means, giving authors … [Read more...] about Move Over Wattpad, Sweek Seeks Authors, Readers
Indie Authors to Finally See their Books on B&N Shelves
About three years ago, then-VP, Digital Content and GM of Barnes and Noble's Nook Press division Theresa Horner sat down with GoodEReader at the Frankfurt Book Fair to discuss the state of the company, namely its self-publishing option and its ebook self-publishing platform. She posed the question as to what it would take to effectively compete with Amazon. Our response--which … [Read more...] about Indie Authors to Finally See their Books on B&N Shelves
Should Indie Authors Give their Books Away for Free?
There are so many national and global debates that rage endlessly--marriage equality, gun control, and universal healthcare, to name only a few--that it almost seems cruel to diminish those issues with ones that strike a more personal note. But while the publishing industry continues to evolve at a historically unheard of pace, there are some issues that still divide authors … [Read more...] about Should Indie Authors Give their Books Away for Free?
Using Book Awards to Drive Indie Author Sales
When self-publishing first began to gain some measure of respect in the industry, there were a few holdouts that were still largely off limits to many indie authors. While some authors with the initiative and the time to devote have had success breaking into the library and brick-and-mortar bookstores spaces, it's still problematic for many authors. Several of the major … [Read more...] about Using Book Awards to Drive Indie Author Sales
Do We Still Need to Disrupt Publishing?
When the digital and self-publishing revolution took off only a handful of years ago, much of the accusation from authors and industry watchers alike centered around the claim that the publishing model was "broken." Authors and readers alike were tired of the infamous "gatekeepers" not only telling them what they would read, but also telling them when, for how long, and how … [Read more...] about Do We Still Need to Disrupt Publishing?
Ebook Piracy Still Plaguing Authors
It started out not-so-innocently enough with a now-deleted, vapid Facebook post from Hillary Ganzeel: "Anyone know of (pirate sites) places to get free ebooks?!" It was followed by a series of monkey emoticons, for some reason. As is to be expected, the backlash was swift and ugly from both sides. Authors rallied behind the notion that they deserve respect and the concept … [Read more...] about Ebook Piracy Still Plaguing Authors
Self-Publishing Audiobooks has never been easier
Indie authors who want to self-publish an e-book have a myriad of options. There are hundreds of different online companies that want to give your digital title into as many digital bookstores as possible. Things get way more complicated if you want develop and distribute an audio edition. has just launched a new self-publishing service that will hopefully solve … [Read more...] about Self-Publishing Audiobooks has never been easier