2014 Q4 Results Suggest Phablet May Be Killing the Tablet Video killed the radio star, and phablets may be killing tablet sales…4 February 2015One comment2 minute read
Microsoft Sees 1.1B in Revenue from Surface Tablet Microsoft should be celebrating right now with news that their Surface tablet…27 January 2015No comments1 minute read
Lenovo Windows App Enables Handwriting Entry for Text Fields In a digital world, we’ve been doing the best we can to…5 January 2015One comment1 minute read
Jolla Successfully Funds the First Crowdsourced Tablet A year after their first smartphone was introduced, Finnish technology company Jolla…20 November 2014No comments1 minute read
Nokia Launches Their First Android Tablet, Aluminum-Shelled N1 The Slush conference in Helsinki brought news that Nokia hasn’t been twiddling…18 November 20142 comments2 minute read
Dip in Customer Satisfaction Causes Apple To Lose Tablet Market Share A report released by J.D Power and IDC, indicates that Apple is…31 October 2014No comments2 minute read
Blizzard Delays Hearthstone Mobile App Until 2015 Smartphone gamers are going to have to wait a little longer for…24 October 2014No comments2 minute read
LG Starting to Gain in Battle for Android Market Share According to the latest statistics released by Chitika, the LG user base…17 October 20144 comments2 minute read
Apple Announces Modest Updates to iPad Air and iPad Mini It was a lot of ‘yeah, yeah, we were expecting that’ at…16 October 2014One comment2 minute read
Privacy-Focused Blackphone Creators Planning For Tablet The masterminds at Silent Circle understand how important privacy is to us;…14 October 2014One comment1 minute read
Sony Xperia Z3 Tablet Compact Takes Aim at iPad It almost seems like tablets can be lumped into two distinct categories…11 September 2014No comments2 minute read
Dell Launches Ultra-Thin Venue 8 7000 Tablet I’m impressed with any manufacturer willing to release a new product the…11 September 2014No comments2 minute read
Apple May Add Anti-Reflective Coating to Next iPad Following the Apple rumour mill is a favourite pass-time for many of…13 August 2014No comments2 minute read