That HP has been mulling over how to deal with the WebOS platform has been all too well known. However, the way things have worked out in this field is perhaps the least expected. The WebOS can be termed the leftover baggage symbolizing HP's attempt at the tablet segment, something that the company perhaps wished it never had to deal with in the first place. Selling it to … [Read more...] about WebOS is officially an Open Source Project
Refurbished TouchPads to go on sale Sunday 12/11/2011 for $99
Make sure you have $99 to spare this coming Sunday if you do not wish to miss out on the HP TouchPad craze again. For the TouchPad is back with its now famous $99 price tag one more time (and probably the last) and would be making an appearance at HP's ebay store on that day. One though will also have to act really fast since there surely will be a lot of TouchPad fans lurking … [Read more...] about Refurbished TouchPads to go on sale Sunday 12/11/2011 for $99
HP TouchPad WebOS updated to version 3.0.5
WebOS' fate might be hanging in balance right now but has just received a fresh lease of life with a new update just made available. However, WebOS 3.0.5 is not about any massive upgrade and shouldn't be expected to bring along a huge improvement in performance. However, the update still brings along some nice changes. Like the update is supposed to be addressing the issues … [Read more...] about HP TouchPad WebOS updated to version 3.0.5
HP TouchPads to Be Used by UK Prosecutors to Conduct Court Proceedings
In a surprising development in technology, attorneys in the UK courts have been provided with HP TouchPads for maintaining digital copies of their documents pertaining to their ongoing cases. Lawyers of the Crown Prosecution Service will have access to 35 HP TouchPads into which the police will be feeding information directly. These TouchPads cost £1,000 ($1,560) each and are … [Read more...] about HP TouchPads to Be Used by UK Prosecutors to Conduct Court Proceedings
HP TouchPad Go being Auctioned off on eBay
An auction of a rare nature is being conducted through eBay. Rare because the item coming under the hammer is a 32 GB, 3G capable TouchPad Go from HP. The item is coming up from China and appears to be one that did not make it to the stores for sale at any time. Also, lest you have forgotten what the TouchPad Go is, particularly after the series of low cost 7 inch tablets that … [Read more...] about HP TouchPad Go being Auctioned off on eBay
HP to Decide the Fate of webOS in Two Weeks
While HP might have been able to wash its hands clean with the TouchPad tablet PCs, it still has another aspect of its botched attempt at the tablet segment so far to take care of; the WebOS platform that it had acquired in 2010. However, HP CEO Meg Whitman has now confirmed they will come to a conclusion with the WebOS within the next two weeks. The HP chief exec also added … [Read more...] about HP to Decide the Fate of webOS in Two Weeks
Taiwanese Manufacturer Trims Workforce Following Dismal TouchPad and PlayBook Sales
The HP TouchPad may have lived an extremely short life span, but it has had the most dramatic moments otherwise unseen with any other tablet device. Also, while HP pulled the plug on the tablet, those employed at its manufacturing partners almost halfway round the globe in Taiwan are also among those to have found themselves in the firing line. Further, while the TouchPad may … [Read more...] about Taiwanese Manufacturer Trims Workforce Following Dismal TouchPad and PlayBook Sales
Hp TouchPads on offer for its employees, mad rush continues
Employees of HP thronged the company site to pick up the super cheap TouchPad that the company had promised for them and lived up to its promise by keeping to schedule with its release today. Such was the clamor for the WebOS tablet that the site was slowed down to a crawl with customers in general and specifically HP employees logging into the site to place their order. HP … [Read more...] about Hp TouchPads on offer for its employees, mad rush continues
HP to Future Endeavor 525 webOS Employees
HP has been restructuring the company in lieu of spinning off its entire PC division and suspending its tablet activities. Its sole tablet in the market is the HP TouchPad which saw hundreds of thousands of units sold, when they dropped the price from $499 to only $99.99. It seems HP is eliminating a ton of jobs due to its suspension of the webOS development team. HP had … [Read more...] about HP to Future Endeavor 525 webOS Employees
CyanogenMod’s Latest HP TouchPad Android Video
CyanogenMod has come up with a new video which should allay the fears of those eagerly awaiting to see Android taking over their TouchPads. The good news is that there is some positive developments to be seen in that respect. The TouchPad, with some tweaking from CyanogenMod, is now exhibiting much better mannerisms than ever before. Among the TouchPad features that have come … [Read more...] about CyanogenMod’s Latest HP TouchPad Android Video