Smashwords Direct Offers ePub Uploads for Indie Authors Smashwords has just unveiled a new system that finally allows authors to…Michael Kozlowski31 December 20123 comments2 minute read
How do Front Lit e-Readers Work? e-Reader technology has certainly changed in 2012 and many companies are releasing…Michael Kozlowski31 December 2012No comments1 minute read
Does Kickstarter Work as a Platform for Books? That’s the title of an article by Seth Godin on his The…31 December 20122 comments3 minute read
Kobo Plans to Launch Official Support Forums Kobo is working internally on developing its own support forums that will…Michael Kozlowski31 December 2012One comment2 minute read
Digital Single Give Away for New Year’s Eve The single biggest advantage that digital publishing has brought to DIY authors…Mercy Pilkington31 December 2012One comment3 minute read
eBook Review: The Florentine Emerald Verdict: 4 Stars In this English-language translation of Agustín Bernaldo Palatchi‘s title,…Mercy Pilkington31 December 20123 comments2 minute read
LG Flexible e-Paper Fails to Change the e-Reader World In early 2012, LG debuted a new kind of flexible e-Paper technology…Michael Kozlowski31 December 2012One comment2 minute read
Macmillan Says New eBook Contracts Allow for Discounting So says Macmillan Chief Executive John Sargent in an open letter posted…30 December 20122 comments2 minute read
Print Sales Rose Over the Holidays, But Is It a Sign of a Coup? All of the early smart predictions about digital publishing allowed that there…Mercy Pilkington30 December 20122 comments2 minute read
Apple iBooks Dominating eBook Market in Brazil The Brazilian market has been a focal point of many companies that…Michael Kozlowski30 December 2012One comment1 minute read
The Death of iOS Magazine Apps When the Apple iPad burst onto the scene, everyone wanted to get…Michael Kozlowski30 December 20122 comments2 minute read
Good e-Reader APP Store Reaches 10,000 Apps The Good e-Reader APP Store was one of our first major…Michael Kozlowski29 December 2012No comments2 minute read
Tablet and eBook Readers and the Impact They Have on Digital Publishing The world is hooked on mobile devices, such as ebook readers or…Sovan Mandal29 December 20122 comments2 minute read
Apple Found Guilty of Selling Illegal eBooks in China, Fined $165,000 Apple may have won quite a few back to back court battles…Sovan Mandal29 December 2012One comment1 minute read
Aldiko Book Reader Hits 10 Million Downloads! Their First Email! Isn’t that fantastic? Here is what Aldiko says on its blog: “Earlier this…29 December 2012No comments2 minute read
The Global Reach of Digital Publishing When digital publishing first reached the mainstream, some of the many benefits…Mercy Pilkington29 December 2012One comment2 minute read