Windows 8 Set For Oct 26 Launch The closest that we had known of Windows 8 finally reaching consumer’s…Sovan Mandal19 July 2012One comment1 minute read
Google Introduces Weather Widget on Tablets Come rain, hail or storm, you will now be better prepared than…Sovan Mandal19 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Kobo Books and e-Readers Available in Japan Sony held a stranglehold on the Japanese e-Reader and eBook market since…Michael Kozlowski19 July 20122 comments2 minute read
Good e-Reader Kobo Touch Contest – The Winners Are… Earlier on in the month we ran a contest for a free…Michael Kozlowski19 July 2012One comment1 minute read
Kids eBook Sales Are Surging in 2012 Reading to your children when they are going to sleep is a…Michael Kozlowski19 July 20122 comments1 minute read
Google Play Books Now Available in France Google Play Books is now available in France! Google said its selection…Michael Kozlowski18 July 20122 comments1 minute read
eBooks Now Account for 30% of All US Fiction There is strong momentum in the USA’s world of ebooks. Sales nearly…Michael Kozlowski18 July 20122 comments1 minute read
Barnes and Noble Encouraging Teen Digital Reading It’s been a long-standing paradox that teenagers are the demographic least likely…Mercy Pilkington18 July 20123 comments2 minute read
McGraw-Hill Markets Adaptive LearnSmart Technology to Students Mcgraw-Hill will be marketing its patented Learnsmart technology to students for the…Michael Kozlowski18 July 2012One comment4 minute read
Kobo Launches the Writing Life Self-Publishing Platform Kobo has finally taken the wraps off of its newest project, Kobo…Michael Kozlowski18 July 20122 comments3 minute read
Is Barnes and Noble Poised to Issue a New Tablet this Fall? Barnes and Noble might be in the late stages of bringing out…Michael Kozlowski17 July 2012One comment1 minute read
Barnes and Noble releases Nook for Web Barnes and Noble unleashed a new eBook sampling program today, called Nook…Michael Kozlowski17 July 2012One comment2 minute read
Digital Gives Old Characters a New Life For those who stay current on the trends in digital publishing, one…Mercy Pilkington17 July 2012One comment2 minute read