Canadians Firmly Embrace Digital Magazines on Smartphones Canada is forecasted to be the 5th highest ranked market in 2015…Michael Kozlowski18 December 2014One comment2 minute read
Amazon Prime Now Program Delivers Books in 2 Hours Amazon Prime Now is a pilot project in Manhattan and it promises…Michael Kozlowski18 December 2014No comments2 minute read
Macmillan Intends on Entering e-Book Subscription Market Macmillan has announced that they intend on entering the e-Book subscription model…Michael Kozlowski18 December 20142 comments1 minute read
The Rise of Digital Audio in the Public Library There was a time not too long ago that the only way…Michael Kozlowski18 December 2014One comment3 minute read
The Ultimate e-Reader – Round Table Discussion e-Readers have come a long way since the original Kindle was unveiled…Michael Kozlowski17 December 201411 comments1 minute read
Thalia Bookstores are in Serious Trouble Thalia is the largest bookstore chain in Germany with over 300 locations…Michael Kozlowski17 December 2014No comments1 minute read
eBook Subscription Service Bookmate Launches in Asia Bookmate, the leading social ebook reading service, is available in Singapore. Boasting…Michael Kozlowski17 December 2014No comments2 minute read
PressReader Now Offers 1,000 Digital Magazines A number of years ago when the iPad became popular, the digital…Michael Kozlowski17 December 20142 comments2 minute read
e-Readers – The Race to the Bottom When Sony and Amazon first got into the e-reader business, they were…Michael Kozlowski17 December 201420 comments3 minute read
France Approves Digital e-Book Lending in Libaries European libraries have been experimenting with the concept of digital in libraries.…Michael Kozlowski16 December 20143 comments1 minute read
Microsoft Introduces a Half-Dozen MSN-branded Apps for Android Who knew that the tech community would be buzzing excitedly about the…16 December 2014No comments1 minute read
Blizzard’s Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft Available For Android Even if you have never played a game in your life (mobile…16 December 20146 comments1 minute read
Microsoft Opens Up Preview for Cloud-Based Presentation App Sway Nobody is more surprised than I am that Microsoft is doing so…16 December 2014One comment2 minute read