Harry Potter eBooks Now Available on Kindle, Nook and Kobo

The entire Harry Potter saga is now available to be directly purchased…

Audible is Giving Hidden Audiobook Perks

Audible does not want you to cancel your subscription if you are…

Trade In Your Old Kindle And Get Discount On A New One

Amazon just unveiled a new trade-in program that gives you a significant…

Why Have e-Book Sales Plateaued?

When the Amazon Kindle was released in 2007 it sparked an e-book…

E-Reader Companies Refuse to Innovate – Let’s Force Them

The e-reader industry has lost most of its innovative spirit, the vast…

How To Change Amazon Book Recommendations

Amazon has changed their book recommendation system and this is wrecking havoc…

Readers Are Loyal To A Single e-Bookstore

The vast majority of readers are loyal to a single digital bookstore…

Emma Watson Has Started a Feminist Book Club

Emma Watson is an UN ambassador and champion of feminism. In order…

Amazon HDX Tablets Are Getting A New Operating System Update

Amazon is in the process of informing customers who have have an…

Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Fall 25% Over the Holidays

Barnes and Noble has just reported that their Nook sales have decreased…

Radio Show – The Health Benefits of e-books

Welcome to another installment of the Good e-Reader Radio Show! Today we…

Apple Claims $1.1 Billion Was Spent on App Sales During the Holiday Season

Apple has just announced that during the two week holiday season people…

LeLe Pons has a new book called Surviving High School

Vine Superstar LeLe Pons was offered a lucrative contract from Simon & Schuster…