The best e-readers ever made There are hundreds of e-readers that have been released since the Rocketbook…Michael Kozlowski13 October 201913 comments5 minute read
Flush screens vs sunken screens – an e-reader comparison The vast majority of e-readers have a flush screen and bezel with…Michael Kozlowski13 October 20195 comments3 minute read
Are you buying a new e-Reader for Black Friday? There are only a few e-readers that have not been announced this…Michael Kozlowski11 October 201925 comments2 minute read
Kobo Writing Life now accepts Audiobook submissions Writing Life is the self-publishing arm of Kobo and when authors submit…Michael Kozlowski10 October 2019No comments2 minute read
Apple Glasses and Amazon Glasses might be the future of books Apple is planning on releasing a pair of AR glasses in the…Michael Kozlowski10 October 2019No comments2 minute read
Online bookstores can be sued if they are not accessible for blind people The US supreme court has passed a ruling that online retailers can…Michael Kozlowski10 October 2019One comment2 minute read
How to Improve English Writing Skills with In our lives, we need to master various skills. One of those…Markus Reily10 October 2019No comments3 minute read
Would you buy a Kindle for the Kids? Many adults purchase a Kindle e-reader because it taps into the largest…Michael Kozlowski8 October 201916 comments3 minute read
The Dasung Not an e-reader crowdfunding campaign has gone dark Dasung is a Chinese company that specializes in E Ink Monitors and…Michael Kozlowski8 October 20196 comments2 minute read
Remarkable raises $15 million for new products Remarkable is developing new products and has just raised $15 million US…Michael Kozlowski8 October 2019One comment2 minute read
Pocketbook InkPad X is a 10.3 inch e-reader Good e-Reader has learned that Pocketbook is going to be releasing a…Michael Kozlowski8 October 201916 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble will continue to support the Nook e-Reader The new CEO of Barnes and Noble, James Daunt, has stated that…Michael Kozlowski8 October 20194 comments2 minute read
Amazon Fire HD 10 will cost $149.99 The current generation Fire HD 10 came out two years ago and…Michael Kozlowski7 October 2019One comment2 minute read