Kobo introduces ebook discovery

Kobo is pushing out a new firmware update 4.23.15505 to the Kobo Touch A/B, Kobo Touch C, Kobo Glo, Kobo Glo HD, Kobo Touch 2.0, Kobo Aura, Kobo Aura HD, Kobo Aura H2O, Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 v1, Kobo Aura H2O Edition 2 v2, Kobo Aura ONE, Kobo Aura ONE Limited Edition, Kobo Aura Edition 2 v1, Kobo Aura Edition 2 v2, Kobo Nia, Kobo Clara HD, Kobo Forma, and the Kobo Libra H2O. It has not been released to the Kobo Mini. This new update adds a number of features such as better ebook discovery and new clock!

Onyx Boox Poke 2 with Color E INK Screen is sold out in a day

Onyx Boox has just released the Poke 2 color e-reader. This device had a very limited production run and less than one hundred got made. The company wants to run an experiment to see if there is a market for this type of product. This is due to the limitation of E INK Kalidio, which is able to display over 4,096 different colors. The front-light has to be on for the colors to display properly, and they tend to look muted with a glass layer, so Onyx is using a sunken screen and bezel, which is what Pocketbook did with their color e-reader. This device is sold out in less than 24 hours.

E INK debuts new design for their foldable e-note

The new iteration of the foldable e-note now features a dedicated housing unit, to protect the display, when it is completely folded shut. When you open it, it now has 3-4 new gears that work in conjunction with the hinge system, to make sure there is enough torque when opening and closing it. The Wacom later has been refined, which is making it easier to make notes, highlights and annotations in a PDF file or the dedicated note taking app. There are now five dedicated buttons on the right hand side of the device. You can turn pages of an ebook forward or back. You can access the home menu, more and settings. On the top of the device are two new lighting bars that are built into the chassis and can be folded down, to project light evenly across the screen. Current front-lit technology found on the Amazon Kindle Paperwhite or the Kobo Forma, do not have flexible screens, so E INK had to find a new solution.

Here are all of the modern Hisense E INK smartphones

The Hisense A5 and Hisense A5 Pro use the traditional black and white e-paper display. The A5 came out last year and the Pro is the better buy, due to a higher version of Android and better hardware specs. The Hisense A5C and A5 Pro CC both came out this summer and are the first phones to employ color e-paper, the same technology that the Pocketbook Color brought to the table. I think the Pro CC is the better buy, it has a better processor, a fingerprint scanner, a dedicated speaker, and better hardware specs. The Hisense A6L is a bit of an anomaly,  it is similar to the Yotaphone, with one screen having an LCD display and the other E INK. This device has been lost in the shuffle, even though it has great hardware, and a modern version of Android, it is very underrated.

Amazon Kindle Paperwhite vs Pocketbook Color

Pocketbook basically allows users to have more flexibility and control, users will have to sideload there own things to the device, or access Dropbox from the internet browser. A full color screen is a major selling point, Amazon will likely not do color for a few years.  Amazon is more user friendly, you can do everything right on the reader, without really needing to sideload, although you can sideload in your own ebooks, you can’t do it with audio files.

What are people reading and listening to on Overdrive Libby?

One of the best apps that Overdrive ever release, was Libby. This is an app that focuses the listening and reading experience, and that’s it. It is a simplified approach that caters to people who grew tired of the main Overdrive app, which was designed not only reading, but watching videos and listening to music, or reading magazines. Libby was released in 2017 and since then, millions of readers have borrowed hundreds of millions of digital books from public libraries around the world. What are the most popular audiobooks and ebooks have been the most popular? Read the entire list on goodereader.com

HarperCollins ebook sales are up 26%

One of the bright spots for the quarter were ebook sales, which were up 26%. The big genre sales within the digital division were children’s and general fiction. Audiobook and ebook sales represented 29% of consumer revenues for the quarter, which are higher than average. In the past, digital normally accounted for 21% on a quarterly basis

Kyocera KY-01L Card Keitai Review

The Docomo Kyocera KY-01L Card Keitai came out in late 2018 and…

Indigo Books revenue dropped by 30%

During the second quarter, Indigo Books has experienced a net loss of about $31.6 million for the 13 weeks ended June 27th,  compared to a net loss of about $19.1 million in the same quarter the previous year. This was basically a 30% drop in revenue, primarily due to all of their book stores being closed during the pandemic and online sales were not strong enough to offset it.

First look at the Xiaomi Mi Reader

The Xiaomi Mi Reader features a 6 inch E INK capacitive touchscreen…

Simon & Schuster ebook sales increased by 51%

Simon & Schuster has just recorded their second quarter financial results for April, May and June 2020. The publisher reported that there was a 51% increase in ebook sales and a 34% increase in sales of physical audiobook. CEO Jonathan Karp said that there is “no reason to believe the new consumer behavior will change any time soon.” And while that will likely keep online sales strong, brick-and-mortar stores remain vital.

The Sony DPT-RP1 and DPT-CP1 are now Discontinued

The Sony Digital Paper division in the United States is now closed.…

Spend $30 on Kindle Books and get $8 in free credit

Amazon is running one of their rare promotions for free ebook credit…