The Newest Indie Author Tool: Video Interviews

With so many positive aspects to self-publishing–complete creative and business control, lack…

State of Alabama Declares Harper Lee Competent to Publish

When a state government is asked to step in and evaluate the…

Does Agency Pricing Hurt Reading Consumers?

The publishing world is still rebounding from the effects of the DoJ…

Oyster Launches New e-Book Store

Oyster is well known in the US as being one of the…

Latest Bestselling Trend Is Coloring Books…for Adults

There is no disputing the fact that the publishing industry looks nothing…

How Do Amazon-Publisher Disputes Affect Authors and Readers?

It was only a year ago that the publishing industry sat riveted…

Goodreads Unveils Newly Redesigned Android App

Book discovery is crucial to not only the business side of selling…

Clean Reader Controversy: Censorship, or Right to Read?

“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very;’ your editor will…

Will Publishers Start Adopting 3D Printed Book Covers as a Marketing Tool?

Publishers and retailers are always looking for new ways for a book to stand…

Illustrated Edition of Harry Potter to be Released this October

Scholastic has just released the exclusive cover image of the fully illustrated…

More Amazon Drone Delivery Woes, FAA Too Slow to Keep Up

Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos initially unveiled the plans for Amazon’s Prime Air…

Barnes and Noble Releases New Plastic Bags Featuring Classic Books

Barnes and Noble has been consistently lambasted by the media for losing…

Amazon Makes it Easier than Ever to Leave a Review

Book reviews are the bane of many authors’ existence, not for their…