Disney Karaoke: Frozen App Lets You Sing Along With Your Favourite Songs

Even if you haven’t seen Disney’s Frozen, I’d be willing to bet…

PlayBook 2 Concept has Impressive Design Elements and Specs

Blackberry’s only attempt at a tablet device, the first gen PlayBook, has…

YotaPhone 2 Includes Larger High Res e-Ink Display

YotaPhone is already into developing the second gen version of its dual…

OAXIS Launches New e-Ink Case For Smartphones

OAXIS has followed up its earlier attempt at an e-ink smartphone case…

Apple Mandates All New and Existing Apps must be iOS 7 Optimized by Feb 1 2014

The latest Apple Operating System for Mobile Phones and Tablets has a…

Latest Nielsen Survey Reveals Growing Consumer Reliance on Mobile Apps

With usage of mobile connected devices such a smartphones and tablet devices…

Google Holds First Player’s Choice Award, Lists Best Apps and Games

Google is for the first time holding the Player’s Choice Awards citing…

The Dual Screen YotaPhone: Not Quite The Magical Device it Promised to be

The YotaPhone breaks a lot of new ground with its dual display…

Top 10 Android and BB10 Apps of the Week – November 13th 2013

Every week thousands of new apps are released for Android and its…

New Disney Content Hits Tablets Before Reaching Cable TV

We’ve come a long way from the days when parents kept a…

Apple Taps Into Education with Products and Services

Apple has introduced a new “Apple and Education” section to its website,…

Google Play for Education Launched

The 2013 edition of the Google I/O Conference may not have been…

Blackberry 10’s 100,000 Apps Includes 20k with Android Origin

One way to get people hooked on to a new platform is…

Google Play Movie App Update Now Offers Info Card

Google Play Movies has come up with an innovative pop-up option that…

The Latest Kindle iOS Update…Don’t Install It

Amazon has just issued a new update for its Kindle app for…

70,000 Apps to Accompany Blackberry 10

RIM is pinning high hopes on its new BlackBerry 10 platform that…

Sourcebooks’ New Platform Has Educational Impact

Good e-Reader is on location in London for the FutureBook conference tomorrow,…

Skytex Imagine 7 Android Jelly Bean Tablet Now Available for $199

Skytex is among the latest to offer a 7 inch tablet running…

Breakdown of the New Comixology App for Digital Comics

For purists who will only ever accept comics books in their original…