A few weeks ago, DC Comics began selling single-issue comics via iTunes, Kindle, and Nook. Previously, DC only sold single issues via the comiXology platform (both the comiXology store its own branded store and apps, which are run by comiXology), although it has been selling graphic novels via Amazon for quite some time. As I mentioned in an earlier post, single-issue comics … [Read more...] about DC Digital: Timing Is Everything
digital comics
Ape Entertainment Launches Squids Comic on iOS
Squids is a tablet game in which the players flick and stretch little squids to attack enemies. Now it's been adapted into a comic about where those squids come from and what sort of battles they are fighting. Although the Squids game is available for iOS and Android, the comic is strictly an iOS app. The new comic is the work of Ape Entertainment, which has made quite a … [Read more...] about Ape Entertainment Launches Squids Comic on iOS
ComiXology Offers a Free Comic a Day for 12 Days
The digital comics service comiXology is offering readers a free comic every day from December 7 through December 18. Each new free comic will go live at 1 p.m. EST on the comiXology website and the iOS and Android apps. The comic will stay up for just 24 hours, so you'll have to visit every day to get all 12. The first comic is Avengers vs. X-Men #0, the prequel to the big AvX … [Read more...] about ComiXology Offers a Free Comic a Day for 12 Days
Classics Illustrated Comes to Tablet
Many a student's grade in high school English was saved by the comic book-style Classics Illustrated, and even more student simply enjoyed the link drawing illustrations and original graphic novel adaptation of some of the most famous works of literature ever written. Unfortunately for fans who are fond of the nostalgia of the pocket-sized books, the collectors items are now … [Read more...] about Classics Illustrated Comes to Tablet
Top Digital Comics News – December 6th, 2012
ComiXology CEO has advice for app developers David Steinberger, CEO of comiXology, the leading digital comics storefront, gave some tips on developing a successful app at the Mediabistro Media App Summit. His six commandments: Think about the material and how a consumer will be thinking about that material. Use data to create personalization. Make content … [Read more...] about Top Digital Comics News – December 6th, 2012
Audio Comics: The Beatles
It's a common complaint that most digital comics are simply print comics slapped onto a screen. The Beatles Story, from ROK Comics, is indeed an old print comic—it originally ran in the UK magazine Look-In in 1981-82—but there's a lot more to it than that. It's also an audio comic, wherein all the text is read aloud by a team of actors. It includes music and film clips as … [Read more...] about Audio Comics: The Beatles
Ninjasaur Lets You Strip a Comic to the Bones
Jason Horn's Ninjasaur is a standalone iOS app that includes a short comic about a ninja dinosaur and a little video game where you control the main character as he throws shuriken at his enemies. Both the comic and the game are very basic. There aren't a lot of navigation tools—no table of contents, no way to interrupt the game. The comic has a clever time-travel twist, but … [Read more...] about Ninjasaur Lets You Strip a Comic to the Bones
Building a Community with Digital Manga: An Interview with Viz’s Alvin Lu and Gagan Singh
Today, Viz Media announced that its digital manga magazine Shonen Jump Alpha will publish manga chapters simultaneously with its Japanese counterpart, Shonen Jump. This means that North American fans of Naruto, Bleach, and other high-profile properties will be able to read the newest chapters digitally at the same time their counterparts in Tokyo and Osaka are picking up the … [Read more...] about Building a Community with Digital Manga: An Interview with Viz’s Alvin Lu and Gagan Singh
Hawken Digital Comic Includes Code for Beta Event
Games and comics have always had a lot in common, including overlapping fandoms, and the digital medium allows more crossovers than ever before. The latest iteration of this is Archaia Entertainment's Hawken: Genesis, a four-part digital comic preview to Meteor Entertainment's Hawken free-to-play online game. The twist here is that the first issue includes a code that allows … [Read more...] about Hawken Digital Comic Includes Code for Beta Event
Breakdown of the New Comixology App for Digital Comics
For purists who will only ever accept comics books in their original print editions, purchasing and collecting may be far more important than format. But for avid fans of the story lines themselves, the greater emphasis in the last couple of years on bringing comics to readers in digital format has been well received, especially with comic publishers who are re-releasing their … [Read more...] about Breakdown of the New Comixology App for Digital Comics