We've probably all been there. We come across a great book by a new author, and immediately seek out our new favorite writer on social media. After connecting, the truth comes out: this person is not who we thought they were based on their ability to craft a wonderful story. Their Facebook feed may be filled with shared memes that go against our political and religious views, … [Read more...] about Authors and Politics Don’t Mix
Digital Publishing News
New Scholastic Report Sheds Light on Kids’ Reading
Scholastic is arguably the go-to source of information on the children's publishing industry, and it's not just because they've had some out-of-the-park smash hits (ever hear of Harry Potter? The Hunger Games?). Scholastic also runs a thriving education division and as such it makes it the company's business to know what kids want to read, how they interact with books, and what … [Read more...] about New Scholastic Report Sheds Light on Kids’ Reading
Take the Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge
Are you looking to up your reading game in the coming year? Is this the year you've vowed (again) to re-read all of those Hemingway books you only skimmed to get through high school? Are you trying to avoid becoming part of the literacy statistic in the country? Then you're in luck. There's nothing like an internet challenge that carries no prizes whatsoever to motivate you … [Read more...] about Take the Goodreads 2017 Reading Challenge
Is Accurate Book Discovery Really Possible?
One of the major plagues for authors and publishers--from the lone self-published writer to the Big Five--is book discovery. Short of taking out expensive ads and sending literally thousands of copies to advanced readers, there's no surefire guarantee that a book will land in front of paying customers, and that's something even the big guys can't do for every title they … [Read more...] about Is Accurate Book Discovery Really Possible?
Lulu Launches Academic SelfPub Branch Glasstree
It's been a long time since something truly innovative happened to digital publishing and indie presses. Just in time for one semester to end and another to begin, though, self-publishing company Lulu announced the launch of something that might finally be a disruptive force in publishing. One of the much-anticipated and completely disappointing aspects of the digital … [Read more...] about Lulu Launches Academic SelfPub Branch Glasstree
IDPF Approves Measure to Join W3C
A highly contentious move in the world of digital publishing has resulted in a combination of forces between the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF) and the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), a move that has caused no small measure of division among members and stakeholders. The IDPF proposed the measure last May at BookExpo, and the backlash was swift and loud. One … [Read more...] about IDPF Approves Measure to Join W3C
Dear Americans: A Guide to Moving to Canada
Dear, dear Americans, Don't worry. Tomorrow, for better or for worse, it will all be over. Cheeto Hitler will either defeat the Hilldabeast, or not. Then you can go back to looking for cat videos and celebrity news on Facebook instead of unfriending your uncles one by one. Who are we kidding, it will never be over. No matter who wins tomorrow, the rabid supporters for the … [Read more...] about Dear Americans: A Guide to Moving to Canada
OverDrive Continues Efforts Against IDPF Merger
Two entities in the digital publishing sphere that GoodeReader greatly admires--OverDrive and the IDPF--are at odds over a planned merger between the IDPF and W3C. Steve Potash, OverDrive's CEO, has vehemently expressed concerns over the upcoming member vote on the merger in the past, and is reiterating those concerns with the IDPF board and membership. The IDPF, or … [Read more...] about OverDrive Continues Efforts Against IDPF Merger
The Paradox of the Publishing Industry
We can't have it both ways, yet that's how some industry experts want to spin it. First, the statistical news: the overall sales figures recorded a 7% decrease in sales across all books, while ebook sales for traditional publishers were down 22% year-over-year in an AAP Statshot for its most recent numbers, April 2016. There were some modest numbers in specific formats or … [Read more...] about The Paradox of the Publishing Industry
Why Is Self-Publishing Still a “Last Resort?”
The digital publishing revolution, such as it was, had many facets. There was the birth of the take-anywhere traditionally published ebooks, the hope of educational reform through bells and whistles digital textbooks, and perhaps most important of all, the self-publishing arm that allowed anyone to write, publish, and potentially sell a book. But in the space of the few years … [Read more...] about Why Is Self-Publishing Still a “Last Resort?”