Digital Comics Best-Sellers for February 9, 2014

Three of the four charts are oddly skewed this week, with Hawkeye,…

Amazon Begins Selling Kindle e-Readers in Brazil

Amazon has been selling eBooks in Brazil since 2012 and the only…

Amazon Q4 2013 Profits Surge on Back of Strong Holiday Sales

Amazon reportedly posted another great fourth quarter, thanks to an increase in…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 26, 2014

The Walking Dead hits three of the four charts we’re looking at…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 12, 2014

It’s time again to take a look at what comics are topping…

Hitler’s Book Rising in Non-Fiction Charts

Move over, ebook authors, there’s a new bestselling author to watch out…

Amazon Sets Up Vending Machine to Sell Kindle Tablets And eReaders

Amazon has hit upon a novel method of selling its wares –…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 5, 2014

So, what’s everybody reading in this first week of 2014? ComiXology 1.…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 29, 2013

The DC graphic novel sale made a big impact on this week’s…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 22, 2013

ComiXology, Amazon, and iBooks all have a sale on DC “Essential Graphic…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 15, 2013

ComiXology’s chart gets skewed by a giveaway, Kindle and Nook remain about…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 8, 2013

It’s time for our weekly look at the top-selling digital comics of…

One Quarter of Top 100 Amazon Kindle Titles in the US Are Self-Published

Amazon revealed that as many as 25 out of 100 of its…

Amazon Australia a Source of Concern to Booksellers, Publishers

Every time Amazon branches out into a new territory, concerned booksellers, publishers,…