Kobo has raised the prices of some of its e-reader devices globally. The Kobo Clara BW, the Kobo Clara Colour, and the Kobo Libra Colour each will henceforth cost $10 more in Canada, US, UK, and other markets. This affects not only Kobo products sold on the main Kobo website but also all of their other distribution partners. Other Kobo devices, such as the Kobo Elipsa 2E and … [Read more...] about Kobo e-readers are now $10 more expensive
Kobo Clara Colour
Several Kobo e-Reader Discounted as Part of Holiday Sale
Kobo offers discounts on several of its frontline e-reader devices, and the prices are the same as during Black Friday sales. Deals are available on the Kobo Clara Colour, Kobo Sage, and the Kobo Elipsa 2E. The Kobo Libra Colour is not included in the sale and is selling at its original rate. Interestingly, the Kobo Clara Colour has been discounted for the first time since its … [Read more...] about Several Kobo e-Reader Discounted as Part of Holiday Sale
Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour, and Clara BW Launched in India
It has been some time since Rakuten Kobo launched its color e-readers, the Kobo Libra Colour and the Kobo Clara Colour. There is a black-and-white version too in the list, the Kobo Clara BW. Now, all three e-readers have been launched in India, which incidentally comes just days after Amazon introduced its all-new Kindle range which too includes a color Kindle model for the … [Read more...] about Kobo Libra Colour, Kobo Clara Colour, and Clara BW Launched in India
Kobo Plus Subscription Service Launched in Spain
Rakuten Kobo has announced the launch of the Kobo Plus e-book and audiobook subscription service in Spain. With this, avid readers in Spain will have access to more than 1.5 million e-books and over 200,000 audiobooks for a fixed monthly fee. Currently, Kobo is offering three plans to choose from to suit diverse reading requirements. There is the Kobo Plus Read which will … [Read more...] about Kobo Plus Subscription Service Launched in Spain
Kobo Clara Colour and Clara BW Now Selling for a Discount
Kobo suddenly has a few color e-reader devices to offer that might make the Kindle devices look a bit dated. To make matters all the more tricky for the Kindle range, the Kobo Clara Colour can now be bought for a discount. Against a regular price tag of £139.99, the latest generation Kobo e-reader can now be bought for £119.99. This way, you get to save £20 right away. The Kobo … [Read more...] about Kobo Clara Colour and Clara BW Now Selling for a Discount
Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo BW on Sale in the UK
Kobo is running a rare sale for their latest generation e-readers in the United Kingdom. The Kobo BW and Kobo Clara Colour are both available for a £20 discount on the main Kobo website. You can also find the same deals on Amazon, if you don't want to buy directly from Kobo. What are the major selling points behind the Clara BW? Aside from the Carta 1300 screen, it has a … [Read more...] about Kobo Clara Colour and Kobo BW on Sale in the UK
Kobo Places Urgent Orders for Color e-Readers as Current Stock is Sold Out
Kobo is reported to have placed fresh orders for its Kobo color e-readers, the Kobo Libra Colour and the Kobo Clara Colour after the first batch of e-readers sold out faster than they had anticipated, industry analyst Ming Chi Kuo reported. Many of the companies that are part of the supply chain are working at twice their capacity to meet existing demand. As per the estimate … [Read more...] about Kobo Places Urgent Orders for Color e-Readers as Current Stock is Sold Out
Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo Clara Colour e-reader
The Kobo Clara Colour e-reader is one of the year's most essential releases. This is the first time the Canadian company has ever employed Colour E INK technology on e-readers. Public acceptance of this product is critical for the long-term viability of the Kaleido 3 e-paper for future products. If Clara has poor sales, it might encourage Kobo to move away from Colour and focus … [Read more...] about Full Review of the Rakuten Kobo Clara Colour e-reader
New Kobo e-readers listed at Amazon and Walmart, disappears thereafter
Here is something for Kobo enthusiasts to rejoice in. The new generation Kobo devices that the company stated will officially make their market debut on April 30th is already available for pre-order on Walmart. What is intriguing is that the new Kobo devices also came to be listed on Amazon as well though such pages have since been made inaccessible. You have the main Kobo page … [Read more...] about New Kobo e-readers listed at Amazon and Walmart, disappears thereafter
Kobo introduce support pages for Libra Colour and Clara Colour
Kobo has just launched the Kobo Libra Colour and Kobo Clara Colour models that come with some nice features. It's special considering that both happen to be the only color e-reader that Kobo has to offer. This also makes Kobo the first among the Big Three e-reader manufacturers to offer a color display. Now, the company has introduced useful guides and articles on its support … [Read more...] about Kobo introduce support pages for Libra Colour and Clara Colour