Barnes and Noble is No Longer in the Tech Business Barnes and Noble has proclaimed that they are no longer in the…Michael Kozlowski22 September 201712 comments4 minute read
Barnes and Noble Reports Nook is Profitable – Q1 2018 Barnes and Noble e-book and ereader sales are on the rise and…Michael Kozlowski7 September 20172 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Partners with E FUN for New Nook Initiative Barnes and Noble has partnered with tablet maker E FUN to have…Michael Kozlowski18 August 2017One comment1 minute read
A Short History of E-Paper and the eReader Revolution People started paying attention to to the e-reader industry in 2007 when…Michael Kozlowski11 August 20177 comments9 minute read
Barnes and Noble Nook for iPad and iPhone is Broken Barnes and Noble has updated their iPad and iPhone app for the…Michael Kozlowski9 August 20179 comments1 minute read
Barnes and Noble is Moving the Nook Section to the Back of the Store Barnes and Noble is gravitating their Nook section from the front of…Michael Kozlowski30 June 201724 comments2 minute read
B&N Nook Sales Decreased by 24% in 2017 Nook sales decreased approximately 24% for both the quarter and the full…Michael Kozlowski22 June 20175 comments3 minute read
Barnes and Noble Hires a New CEO with No Bookselling Experience Barnes and Noble has just hired their fourth CEO since 2013 and…Michael Kozlowski27 April 2017One comment2 minute read
Nook for Android Updated with Search by Voice Barnes and Noble does not update their Android e-reading app very often,…Michael Kozlowski4 April 2017One comment1 minute read
US and UK Restrict E-Readers on Direct Air Flights from the Middle East The United States has implemented a new policy that prevents you from taking…Michael Kozlowski31 March 2017One comment2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Sells More eBooks Than Kobo Barnes and Noble gets skewered in the media for their massive decline…Michael Kozlowski7 March 20172 comments1 minute read
How to use adoptable storage on the Nook Tablet 7 The Barnes and Noble Nook Tablet 7 can be picked up for…Michael Kozlowski6 March 20175 comments1 minute read
Why have e-reader companies abandoned SD Cards? Over the course of the past few years e-reader companies have abandoned…Michael Kozlowski27 February 201719 comments3 minute read