Barnes and Noble Executive Leadership has been Deplorable

Barnes and Noble is a company that is on the ropes. According…

Barnes and Noble e-reader and e-book sales down 31.9%

Barnes and Noble has just released their latest financial results and the…

Barnes and Noble Black Friday e-Reader and e-book deals

Barnes and Noble has just announced their plans for Black Friday and…

How to get your MAC or PC to recognize the Nook Glowlight Plus

The Nook Glowlight Plus runs Google Android and some owners are reporting…

Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus Waterproof Test

The Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus is one of the few…

How to load e-books on the B&N Nook Glowlight Plus

The Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus has a built in digital…

Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus Review

Barnes and Noble has released the first e-reader since 2013 with the…

Barnes and Noble are discouraging Nook Usage in Bookstores

Barnes and Noble has a Read in Store program where you can…

Nook Glowlight Plus is Incompatible with Adobe Digital Editions

The Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus came out a few weeks…

e-Reader ownership declines by 50%

e-Reader ownership is at an all time low according to Pew Research.…

Will you buy the B&N Nook Glowlight Plus?

Barnes and Noble has just released their first e-reader since 2009, with the…

Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus Now Available

Barnes and Noble has just unveiled the first new e-Reader since 2013,…

Barnes and Noble Facing Lawsuit for Defective Nook Charger Cords

Barnes and Noble proprietary charging cables for e-readers and tablets are notoriously…