eBooks and The Environment: A Greener Reading Experience There’s a lot to love about eBooks – they’re portable, can be…Markus Reily7 July 20152 comments4 minute read
New Barnes and Noble CEO Will Kill NooK Barnes and Noble has lost over one billion dollars on trying to…Michael Kozlowski3 July 201523 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Launching New Website Next Week Barnes and Noble has announced that they are redesigning their website that…Michael Kozlowski26 June 20159 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Decrease by 40% Barnes and Noble has announced that they have had a dramatic decrease…Michael Kozlowski25 June 201521 comments2 minute read
The Barnes and Noble Nook Brand Can Be Saved Barnes and Noble has been making dedicated e-readers since 2009 and the…Michael Kozlowski16 June 201514 comments4 minute read
When was the exact moment B&N Nook Started to Decline? Barnes and Noble has been releasing dedicated e-readers and tablets since 2009.…Michael Kozlowski10 June 201525 comments3 minute read
Barnes and Noble Wants your Old Kindles and iPads Barnes and Noble has just announced a brand new Trade In &…Michael Kozlowski17 May 201514 comments1 minute read
Apple has failed the e-Book reader Apple has quickly become a major player in the smartphone and tablet…Michael Kozlowski13 May 20153 comments3 minute read
How Would You Change the B&N Nook? The Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight first became commercially available October 2013.…Michael Kozlowski3 May 201517 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Releases New Plastic Bags Featuring Classic Books Barnes and Noble has been consistently lambasted by the media for losing…Michael Kozlowski24 March 20153 comments1 minute read
Barnes and Noble Remains Committed to Nook Barnes and Noble remains steadfast in their commitment to selling e-readers and…Michael Kozlowski19 March 201510 comments4 minute read
Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Down 62% Barnes and Noble has just announced their 3rd quarter financial results and…Michael Kozlowski10 March 20156 comments1 minute read
B&N Nook e-Books Now Totally Dependent on Apps Barnes and Noble wants their users to be entirely dependent on their…Michael Kozlowski5 March 20157 comments1 minute read
Barnes and Noble Unveils New Nook Android App Barnes and Noble has just revised their Nook Android App to mirror…Michael Kozlowski3 March 2015One comment1 minute read