Exclusive – B&N Nook Glowlight Plus e-Reader Revealed

Barnes and Noble is very close to making a formal announcement for…

Barnes and Noble is Teasing a New Nook Tablet

Barnes and NobleĀ is teasing a new Samsung Galaxy 4 Nook tablet on…

The State of the e-Reader Industry in 2015

e-Reader adoption on a worldwide scale is still fairly strong, despite the…

Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Down 28%

Barnes and Noble has just reported their fiscal earnings for the first…

Barnes and Noble has Two New Nook e-Readers

Barnes and Noble has two new e-readers that they will formally announce…

Nook Brings Parental Account Management to iOS App

If you have a Barnes and Noble Nook tablet you would have…

Barnes and Noble is Going to Kill the Nook

The future of Barnes and Noble Nook e-books, e-readers and tablets looks…

Do you Love the Nook e-reader?

Do you love the Barnes and Noble Nook e-reader or have you…

Barnes and Noble Closing Nook Windows 8 App

Barnes and Noble has been operating a Windows 8 e-reading app since…

eBooks and The Environment: A Greener Reading Experience

There’s a lot to love about eBooks – they’re portable, can be…

New Barnes and Noble CEO Will Kill NooK

Barnes and Noble has lost over one billion dollars on trying to…

Barnes and Noble Launching New Website Next Week

Barnes and Noble has announced that they are redesigning their website that…

Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Decrease by 40%

Barnes and Noble has announced that they have had a dramatic decrease…