Nook UK users are flooding eBay with used e-readers Barnes and Noble has closed down their digital bookstore in the United…Michael Kozlowski20 May 2016One comment1 minute read
B&N commits to selling Samsung Tablets for three more years Barnes and Noble has been selling Samsung branded tablets with Nook software…Michael Kozlowski19 May 2016One comment1 minute read
Do you think the Barnes and Noble Nook is Doomed? Barnes and Noble has been scaling back on selling e-books all over…Michael Kozlowski19 May 20167 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Promises to Divulge Long-Term Business Strategy Barnes and Noble will be providing a new business strategy and long-term…Michael Kozlowski10 May 2016One comment1 minute read
Barnes and Noble Founder Leonard Riggio is Retiring Leonard Riggio has announced he is retiring from active duty at Barnes…Michael Kozlowski27 April 2016One comment2 minute read
Barnes & Noble College Bookstores No Longer Carry Nooks Barnes and Noble College Bookstores all over the United States are no…Michael Kozlowski26 April 20164 comments1 minute read
Kobo and Nook Cloud Readers are Discontinued The Kobo Cloud Reader has been officially discontinued and the link to…Michael Kozlowski20 April 20162 comments1 minute read
Barnes and Noble has just outsourced Nook Software development Barnes and Noble has just outsourced all of the Nook software development…Michael Kozlowski7 April 20163 comments1 minute read
B&N Nook is Failing Because They Make Customers Hate Them Barnes and Noble is the only company in the e-reader and eBook…Michael Kozlowski9 March 201636 comments5 minute read
How will the Nook UK Store Closure Affect Nook e-Reader Owners? Barnes & Noble are closing down the Nook UK store, and transferring…Michael Kozlowski4 March 20167 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble is Closing the Nook Bookstore in the UK Barnes and Noble expanded into the United Kingdom in 2012 with the…Michael Kozlowski3 March 20162 comments2 minute read
Barnes and Noble Unveils New Nook Trade-in Program Barnes and Noble has announced that they are giving Nook owners a…Michael Kozlowski7 February 2016One comment1 minute read
Kobo and Nook for iOS Receive Big Updates If you have an Apple iPad or iPhone you might have noticed…Michael Kozlowski7 January 2016One comment1 minute read