Barnes and Noble Cuts Nook Funding by 74%

Barnes and Noble wanted to tackle the e-reader and eBook market in…

B&N Confirms New Nook Tablet In The Making

The last time Barnes & Noble had refreshed its tablet line up…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for February 18 2014

We’re a day late with the digital comics best-sellers due to some…

Commentary – If I was in Charge of Nook Media

The Barnes and Noble Nook division is one of the most longstanding…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for February 9, 2014

Three of the four charts are oddly skewed this week, with Hawkeye,…

N2A Card’s KitKat Upgrade for B&N Nook Tablets

For Nook device users, here is some good news fromĀ  N2A Cards:…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 26, 2014

The Walking Dead hits three of the four charts we’re looking at…

Execs Leaving B&N While Nook Rolls Out Global Plan

Critics and industry speculators have been saying the same thing for far…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 12, 2014

It’s time again to take a look at what comics are topping…

Pornographic Content Found in Nook Tablet in Children’s Area of B&N Store

In what can be termed as a re-run of the pornography issue…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for January 5, 2014

So, what’s everybody reading in this first week of 2014? ComiXology 1.…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 29, 2013

The DC graphic novel sale made a big impact on this week’s…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for December 22, 2013

ComiXology, Amazon, and iBooks all have a sale on DC “Essential Graphic…

Subscribe to Two Nook Magazines for the Price of One

The Barnes and Noble Nook Newsstand is running a holiday promotion that…