The iPad Pro is starting to resonate with authors who like to scribble and jot down notes. Microsoft is listening and they are in the process of updating their complete line of Office apps to be compatible with the Apple Pencil. Microsoft said in a statement "As part of our effort to make Office even more intuitive and easier to use, we want to make pen and ink a primary … [Read more...] about Microsoft is offering support for Apple Pencil
Microsoft Delivers Numpad to Android Tablets for Excel
If you want to get in to a heated debate with a true nerd, ask them if they feel numpad is a true necessity for a keyboard (and let me advise you ahead of time to avoid the arrow keys argument entirely). Honestly though, if you do a lot of work with spreadsheets that numpad comes in pretty handy. Microsoft agrees, and so if you happen to have an Android tablet, there is a … [Read more...] about Microsoft Delivers Numpad to Android Tablets for Excel
Microsoft Opens Up Preview for Cloud-Based Presentation App Sway
Nobody is more surprised than I am that Microsoft is doing so well in the software game these days. Once upon a time the tech giant was so focused on operating systems that they had neglected just about everything else (which has really shown in their sales and reviews in recent years). Fortunately, they have new leadership with a seemingly fresh focus: apps, apps, apps … [Read more...] about Microsoft Opens Up Preview for Cloud-Based Presentation App Sway
Facebook Hard at Work on Enterprise Collaboration Tool
Most offices have been working diligently to find ways of keeping Facebook out of sight and mind for their employees while on the job --but the social media giant may be finding ways to make inroads of their own into the enterprise market. While technically still in the rumours stage, the 'Facebook at Work' initiative is all but confirmed and could roll out in the next few … [Read more...] about Facebook Hard at Work on Enterprise Collaboration Tool
Microsoft Office Suite for iPad Gains Printing Functionality
Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint were one of the most eagerly anticipated apps to hit the iPad in quite sometime. Today, the entire suite of apps have received a new update that allow them to print over the air. According to a Microsoft Office Blog post "Your top request is here! You can now print Word documents, Excel spreadsheets, and PowerPoint presentations to an … [Read more...] about Microsoft Office Suite for iPad Gains Printing Functionality
Office For iPad Already a Hit
Microsoft’s move to launch Office on the iPad seems to be paying off rich dividends, with the app already featured among the top free apps for iPad. Word has emerged as the most popular at the No. 1 slot, followed by Excel and PowerPoint at the 3rd and 4th slots, respectively. The Office app is a free download but that will only allow for opening and viewing documents; an … [Read more...] about Office For iPad Already a Hit
MS Office Made Free for Android Phones
Close on the heels of Microsoft launching its Office software suite on the iPad, the tech giant made its Office for Android free to use. Unfortunately, this only applies to Android phones and not tablet devices, enabling users to create and edit documents that earlier would have required an active Office 365 subscription. Interestingly, this latest move has made Android phones … [Read more...] about MS Office Made Free for Android Phones
Microsoft Office Makes Its iPad Debut
Finally, Microsoft has launched its Office software suite for the iPad which brings to an end the years of speculations and rumors. Thankfully, the Office for iPad is a mature application compared to the almost half-hearted attempt that the Office for iPhone was. Users will have at their disposal many advanced features lacking in the iPhone app, such as the ability to add rows … [Read more...] about Microsoft Office Makes Its iPad Debut
Microsoft Office to be Released on iPad Soon
Of Microsoft’s Office productivity suite and its integration with the iOS platform, this perhaps has been a topic of discussion ever since the iPad had burst into the scene. However, we seem to be heading to something concrete on this finally, what with the latest on this coming from ZDNet claiming such a thing is being actively deliberated and it could be expected very … [Read more...] about Microsoft Office to be Released on iPad Soon
Windows RT To Feature Office 2013 RT Preview Version
Microsoft is readying a Surface that would be based on an ARM chip and would run Windows RT which in turn is a version of Windows 8 that has specially tweaked to allow for its smooth operation on an ARM architecture. While all of that is good, more so since its likely to be a lower priced version of the Surface aimed for the masses, what is not is that the tablet is touted to … [Read more...] about Windows RT To Feature Office 2013 RT Preview Version