Generally the news coming out an event like Mobile World Congress is buzz-worthy and exciting, filled with cutting edge hardware and software solutions... but leave it to Microsoft to break the mould, and good on them! Some people would argue that if you can't beat 'em, join 'em (speaking specifically about high-end hardware manufacturers like Apple, Samsung, and Huawei), but … [Read more...] about Microsoft Oddly Excited Over Low-End Windows Phones
HTC Tries to Hype Upcoming March 1 Product Launch
Try as they might, nobody hypes a product launch like Apple... which is amazing because they pretty much let the tech community do it for them. The problem with this formula is that is it very difficult to duplicate, even for tech giants like HTC --though credit where it is due, a fairly clever Tweet this week has people talking at least a little bit. Apparently something huge … [Read more...] about HTC Tries to Hype Upcoming March 1 Product Launch
PressReader, Kindle Update their iOS Apps
Two new updates have been released for what are arguably some of the most popular digital reading apps, the Kindle reading app and the PressReader digital magazine and newspaper app. Both apps have been given shiny new features or expansions of existing but recent updates. The Kindle app now supports eTextbook reading, which is big news because the iPhone now supports this … [Read more...] about PressReader, Kindle Update their iOS Apps
2014 Q4 Results Suggest Phablet May Be Killing the Tablet
Video killed the radio star, and phablets may be killing tablet sales (if the results of a study by research firm Canalys can be believed). According to their statistics, worldwide tablet shipments have dropped 12 percent year-over-year to just 67 million units overall during Q4 2014 --Apple saw an 18% loss, while Samsung recorded a 24% decline. During this same period, … [Read more...] about 2014 Q4 Results Suggest Phablet May Be Killing the Tablet
Sony Cuts Back Smartphone Lineup
It wasn't very long ago that Samsung announced their plans to cut back their smartphone line-up --this time, it's Sony doing the same thing. Where once it seemed like Sony was on top of the tech world and could do no wrong, now they are struggling to carve out a competitive piece of the mobile market. Reducing their smartphone lineup by as much as 30% should help return … [Read more...] about Sony Cuts Back Smartphone Lineup
LG Starting to Gain in Battle for Android Market Share
According to the latest statistics released by Chitika, the LG user base has exhibited the greatest usage share growth as compared to any of the competing Android brands since June 2014. With a 1.7 percentage point gain and representing over 10% of the total North American smartphone and tablet Web traffic, LG should be counted as a significant player in the mobile … [Read more...] about LG Starting to Gain in Battle for Android Market Share
Google Nexus 6 Set to to Rival iPhone 6, Galaxy Note 4
It is with great enthusiasm that Google released their next generation Nexus 6 smartphone yesterday. Being labelled the next in a line of phablets, the Nexus 6 is a very large mobile device that straddles the line between smartphone and tablets. Packed with features, the Nexus 6 promises to stand up proudly against the Samsung Galaxy Note 4 and Apple's iPhone 6 Plus. Design … [Read more...] about Google Nexus 6 Set to to Rival iPhone 6, Galaxy Note 4
Apple Keynote Cues Launch of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
And so begins the longest 10 days of my life (at least so far this month). Bringing an end to dueling industry expectations, Apple has announced the release of two new versions of the iPhone: the 4.7-inch iPhone 6, and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus. The screen size may be dimensionally larger, but both models are delightfully thinner than previous versions of the iPhone (coming … [Read more...] about Apple Keynote Cues Launch of iPhone 6 and 6 Plus
BlackBerry Joins September Event Schedule
First thing tomorrow morning, September 3, Samsung will unveil their Galaxy Note 4 (their flagship 5.7" behemoth smartphone). Microsoft is set to discuss the Lumia 730 smartphone on September 4. The following day on September 5, Motorola will give us all the details on their Moto 360 smartwatch as well as the successors to the Moto X and G. Not long afterward, Apple will launch … [Read more...] about BlackBerry Joins September Event Schedule
Amazon Fire Phone A Resounding Failure
Amazon's Fire Phone has only been available since July, but usually the hype and excitement makes the initial launch of a new smartphone the most profitable sales period. Unfortunately for Amazon, that doesn't appear to be the case for their device. While Amazon doesn't release sales figures of their own (famously), analysts are able to draw their own conclusions by examining … [Read more...] about Amazon Fire Phone A Resounding Failure