Amazon Offers Ups Its Percentage of Sales to Charity

In the latest twist in the Amazon-Hachette dispute, Amazon has proven once…

Authors United to Issue New Directive to Amazon

As Hachette, Amazon, and the laundry list of household name authors who…

Amazon Rolls Out Beta of KDP Pricing Support

New information and knowledge have come to light thanks to the efforts…

First Quarter Digital Sales on the Rise

The PA Digital Sales Monitor, new report from the UK-based Publishers’ Association,…

Traditional Publishing Dismisses Author Earnings Report

In what is perhaps the single most telling example of why the…

The Tolino Alliance Expands into Belgium

The Tolino Alliance was formed in 2013 and their mandate was to…

Apple to Put Marketing Future into Beats Jimmy Iovine

Apple is close to abandoning a 30 year relationship with TBWA/Media Arts Lab…

Iconic Bookstore’s Owner Retires, Gifts Store to Employees

A Canadian bookstore owner is set to retire soon, which would ordinarily…

Readers Gravitate Away from Free eBooks

During the e-reader boom period from 2009 until 2013 many people got…

UK Society of Authors: Traditional Publishing No Longer in Authors’ Best Interests

Thanks largely to Hugh Howey’s recent post about the need for organizations…

Amazon Circumvents French Ban Free Shipping for Books

Amazon has found itself in hot water in France, as government authorities…

Author Rejects Award Due to Amazon Backing

The ultimate in low class and poor breeding has occurred in the…

London Unveils New Public Art Project Aimed at Book Lovers

The streets of London are being transformed due to a new public…

Nook Press Blog Offers Support to Indie Authors

There’s a lot of talk about Amazon and what it has done…