UK Booksellers Association Teams Up With YodelDirect to Help Indie Stores Compete

As brick-and-mortar bookstores struggle to carve out their own unique niches in…

Execs Leaving B&N While Nook Rolls Out Global Plan

Critics and industry speculators have been saying the same thing for far…

Amazon in Final Negotiations to Start Selling eBooks in Sweden

eBook availability in Sweden has come a long way since 2007. The…

German Bookstore Chain Weltbild Goes Bankrupt

Weltbild is the second largest bookstore in Germany and the company has…

DBW, Writers Digest Survey on Author Satisfaction with the Industry

Digital Book World and Writer’s Digest magazine announced some of the results…

Dissecting Amazon’s Predatory “Everything” Strategy

At the Digital Book World Conference and Expo, publishing industry professionals come…

Amazon’s Data and its Move to Take Over Academic Publishing

When you look at academic and professional publishing, Amazon may actually be…

Pubsoft Revamps HTML Web Viewer for eBooks

As more and more publishers look to optimize content for mobile device…

The CEOs Speak: Growth in Digital Books

A long-standing tradition at Digital Book World’s conferences is to start with…

B&N the Next Book Retailer Facing Class Action Lawsuit

Following information that a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation is underway against…

Sourcebooks Publishers Thriving in Difficult Publishing Climate

In an industry-wide climate in which booksellers are struggling to keep their…

IndieReader, Edelweiss Break Down Last Obstacle for Self-Published Authors

Even as the respect, the recognition, and the royalties are in place…

Sales Down for Barnes and Noble, But How Bad Is Bad?

While consumers might be alarmed by headlines that blare dire warnings about…

Iconic Barnes and Noble Bookstore Closes in NY

One of the more interesting retail histories in the book industry is…