It was bad enough when billionaire Christian Grey had his violent way with recent-teenager Anastasia Steele. The 50 Shades trilogy showed that there are no limits to how much book fans are willing to consume, and that self-published Twilight fan fiction could potentially take off in a traditionally-published way. But somewhere between they hype surrounding the movie … [Read more...] about EL James Has a New Book Out and We Only Have Ourselves to Blame
50 shades of grey
EL James Grey Sells 1.1 Million Copies in 4 Days
E.L. James has just released a new book that is entitled Grey. It retells the original 50 Shades of Grey from the prospective of Christian Grey and it looks to be a smash for the book selling industry. The title has sold over 1.1 million copies in the first four days. Vintage Books has confirmed that 1.1 million copies of Grey have been sold in audiobook, e-book and print in … [Read more...] about EL James Grey Sells 1.1 Million Copies in 4 Days
New 50 Shades of Grey Manuscript Stolen
The brand new 50 Shades of Grey title is due out in less than a week and and has skyrocketed to the number one position on Amazon. The book is focuses on Christian Grey and the tale is told from his prospective. But it turns out that one reader couldn’t wait until 18 June to get their hands on it: the Daily Mail reports that a manuscript was found to be missing yesterday, and … [Read more...] about New 50 Shades of Grey Manuscript Stolen
Move Over, 50 Shades: Skrawl Has a Whole New Fan Fic Community
Readers and movie goers have had a lot to say about 50 Shades of Grey: some love it, others would rather eat the book than be forced to read it. But however consumers feel about the content, the story line, and the misrepresentation of the BDSM lifestyle, there is no question that 50 Shades was a game changer. Besides bringing erotica into the mainstream and opening the door … [Read more...] about Move Over, 50 Shades: Skrawl Has a Whole New Fan Fic Community
50 Shades of Grey to Save Bookstores Once More
The first book in the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy was released in March 2012 and by the end of 2014 it had sold over 140 million copies. Bookstores all over North America and the United Kingdom all reported dramatic profits with each new installment of the book and setup huge installments to get people buying the books. Even University and College bookstores jumped into the … [Read more...] about 50 Shades of Grey to Save Bookstores Once More
50 Shades of Grey to Undergo a Renaissance
Fifty Shades of Grey has crossed an important milestone recently, when it recorded its 100 millionth book sale back in February. Random House originally picked up the book and published it in 2011 to massive popularity. 50 Shades made so much money that the publisher gave everyone a Christmas bonus of $5,000 bonus because of the book’s stellar success. Are we going to see a … [Read more...] about 50 Shades of Grey to Undergo a Renaissance
Traditional Publishers Learn What Indie Authors Have Known All Along
Ask any traditionally published author what frustrates him most about the industry, and the list of complaints might be rather varied. A survey of 9,000 authors conducted by Digital Book World and Writer's Digest cited lack of creative control, royalties, and editorial decision making on the list, but one other factor that still plagues authors is the seemingly random and … [Read more...] about Traditional Publishers Learn What Indie Authors Have Known All Along
eBooks Overtaking Global Markets
The publishing industry has endured several years' worth of "yes it is, no it isn't" information concerning ebook penetration into the reading market, and formal numbers are finally demonstrating that ebooks are not a fad--while still acknowledging openly that print books aren't going away any time soon either. So what's behind the rumor mill that ebooks are or are not … [Read more...] about eBooks Overtaking Global Markets
EL James to Publish Journal for Aspiring Writers
While critics may rightfully scoff at the writing quality of the 50 Shades of Grey series and jokes have flooded the internet about James' audacity at helping aspiring writers, no one can argue with the financial and popular success of her three one-time self-published books. Growing out of what she saw as a very real need based on face-to-face interaction with her readers, … [Read more...] about EL James to Publish Journal for Aspiring Writers
50 Shades of Grey Being Used as a Marketing Ploy for New Erotica Books
When the 50 Shades of Grey series hit bookstores earlier this year, the average person had no idea it would be the 2012 literary phenomenon. The publishing inner circles knew this book would do well, due to the authors loyal following her Twilight Fan Fiction. The entire three book trilogy has been the saving grace of many bookstores such as Barnes and Noble and Chapters. At a … [Read more...] about 50 Shades of Grey Being Used as a Marketing Ploy for New Erotica Books