Oracle Gave Amazon a 97.5% Discount to use Java Oracle has accused Google of stealing their copyrighted software to enter the…Michael Kozlowski17 May 2016One comment1 minute read
Amazon Voiceview is working on the Oasis and Voyage The Amazon Kindle Voiceview is a new USB audio package that makes…Michael Kozlowski13 May 20162 comments1 minute read
Amazon Releases Kindle Paperwhite USB Audio Bundle Amazon has just unveiled a new USB audio bundle that allows Kindle…Michael Kozlowski10 May 20167 comments1 minute read
Kobo and Nook Cloud Readers are Discontinued The Kobo Cloud Reader has been officially discontinued and the link to…Michael Kozlowski20 April 20162 comments1 minute read
This is the Amazon Kindle Oasis Amazon China posted all of the details regarding the new Kindle Oasis…Michael Kozlowski11 April 201640 comments1 minute read
New Kindle e-Reader will have a solar powered case Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos announced that a new Kindle will be unveiled…Michael Kozlowski5 April 20167 comments1 minute read
Amazon heavily discounts Kindle Voyage Amazon will be announcing a new flagship e-Reader next week and it…Michael Kozlowski4 April 20166 comments1 minute read
New Amazon Kindle e-Reader will be announced next week Heads up readers – all-new, top of the line Kindle almost ready.…Michael Kozlowski4 April 20162 comments1 minute read
Amazon Kindle Voyage is now available for $179 Amazon is running a sale for its entire line of e-readers, where…Michael Kozlowski11 March 20162 comments1 minute read
Update Your Kindle e-Reader, Or Else Amazon is forcing users to upgrade their Kindles or you will not…Michael Kozlowski2 March 20162 comments1 minute read
Amazon Giveaway Now Includes Kindle e-Books Amazon Giveaway is a little known program that allows people to run…Michael Kozlowski1 March 2016One comment2 minute read
Kindle Previewer 3 Lets You Experience Enhanced Typesetting Amazon has just released Kindle Previewer 3. It allows authors and publishers…Michael Kozlowski29 February 20162 comments1 minute read
Kindle for Samsung Free e-books for February 2016 If you have a Samsung smartphone or tablet it is very likely…Michael Kozlowski10 February 2016One comment2 minute read