Digital Comics Bargains for September 27, 2013

This week brings an amazing digital deal on Kindle, Nook, and comiXology:…

Nook Simple Touch Glowlight Now Costs Just £49 In The UK

The Nook Simple Touch Glowlight has earned itself the distinction of being…

Judge Dredd Case Files Comes to iOS

Rebellion, the folks behind the British sci-fi comics anthology 2000AD, have been…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for September 22, 2013

One of these things is not like the other: Three of this…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for September 16, 2013

ComiXology 1. The Walking Dead #114 2. Injustice: Gods Among Us #25…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for September 8 2013

Here’s our weekly snapshot of the best-selling digital comics on four platforms—taken…

Amazon issues Mandatory Kindle for iOS 7 update

Amazon has just pushed a new mandatory update to their apps for…

Amazon Releases First Kindle UK Television Ad

Amazon has just released its first television commercial in the United Kingdom.…

Amazon Announces Kindle Paperwhite 2

Amazon traditionally holds press events for new product launches, but today they…

Amazon Kindle Matchbook Offers Readers Print and Digital

Amazon announced a brand-new value-added feature for its consumers in its new…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for September 1 2013

Here’s my weekly look at the digital comics best-sellers, or at least…

Kobo Aura vs Amazon Kindle Paperwhite

The new six inch Kobo Aura was recently unveiled at a New…

Amazon Still Awaiting Its Indian eBook Store to Click

Amazon is yet to build the kind of success it might have…

Digital Comics Best-Sellers for August 25th 2013

It’s time to compare and contrast the digital comics best-seller lists. What…