Qualcomm Snapdragon S4 Tablet For Developers Costs $1299 There is a new tablet for the taking. However, there is a…Sovan Mandal25 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Hachette Headed to Hong Kong Hachette UK has made the internal decision to open up a new…Michael Kozlowski25 July 2012No comments2 minute read
Elsevier Partners with Kno for eBook Distribution Elsevier is well known in the technical book segment for its scientific,…Michael Kozlowski25 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Lenovo IdeaTab S2110 Now Available Those looking for a tablet device that is attachable to a keypad…Sovan Mandal24 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Motorola Starts Jelly Bean Testing on the Xoom The Motorola XOOM was the first tablet to come loaded with the…Sovan Mandal24 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Amazon Limiting 3G Internet Access via Its Kindle Web Browser to 50 MB a Month Amazon has offered various e-readers over the years with built in 3G…Michael Kozlowski24 July 20122 comments2 minute read
AOL Play Music Player to Hit the Kindle Fire Tomorrow Not to be confused with Google Play Music, AOL has retooled its…Michael Kozlowski24 July 2012One comment1 minute read
CourseSmart Has Saved Students over 100 Million on eTextbooks Digital Textbooks in the student arena are gaining more traction in the…Michael Kozlowski24 July 2012No comments1 minute read
Amazon Provides Staples with 6 SKU’s for New Kindle Fire Demos Paneros, president of U.S. Retail, gave an interview to Reuters today…Michael Kozlowski24 July 20122 comments1 minute read
Sylvia Day’s ‘Bared to You’ Gains Momentum – Post 50 Shades of Grey The 50 Shades of Grey trilogy has become the most successful book…Michael Kozlowski24 July 20122 comments2 minute read
Qualcomm Suspending Mirasol Screen Development Qualcomm has officially suspended manufacturing of their seminal Mirasol screen technologies. The…Michael Kozlowski23 July 20122 comments2 minute read
eBook Review: I Am Forbidden by Anouk Markovits Verdict: 4-Stars Spanning several generations and evolving over the course of some…Mercy Pilkington23 July 2012One comment2 minute read
Will the Success of the Nexus 7 Fizzle Out Kindle Fire 2 Sales? The Google Nexus 7 tablet has been selling out in Canada and…Michael Kozlowski23 July 20122 comments2 minute read