School and public libraries may have gotten a boost today through a new agreement between McGraw-Hill Professional and Baker & Taylor. This agreement will make more than 5,000 technical, medical, and professional titles available for ebook lending; more than 700 of these titles are recently published works. “We are at the forefront of the digital transformation in … [Read more...] about McGraw-Hill Professional Offers eBooks to Libraries through Axis 360
Digital Publishing News
Vook Acquires BookIR, Means Realistic Book Sales Data
The publishing industry has spent the past few weeks reeling from the insights provided by DBW and AuthorEarnings into what book sales data actually feels like for the rights holders involved, if not actually providing meaning discussion and furthering conversations about how accurate comparative sales data can help authors and publishers. But a new acquisition, announced today … [Read more...] about Vook Acquires BookIR, Means Realistic Book Sales Data
PediaPress: An Idea So Backwards That It’s Revolutionary
Wikipedia may be the saving grace of every hot-wings-and-trivia-night guru, but it can also be the damnation of high school biography paper writers everywhere. Known for its crowd-generated content and editable fluidity, Wikipedia is admittedly a brilliant at-your-fingertips web based information solution, even if its information has to be taken with a grain of salt. But … [Read more...] about PediaPress: An Idea So Backwards That It’s Revolutionary
New Update to Wattpad’s iOS, Android Apps Makes Stories Portable
Wattpad, the global story sharing site that has a user following of more than 20 million readers and titles available in over fifty languages, announced today that it has released a major update to its immensely popular iOS and Android apps. The app, which enables readers to browse and consume stories on the go, originally required internet access for reading, but the new … [Read more...] about New Update to Wattpad’s iOS, Android Apps Makes Stories Portable
New Whitepaper Advises Academic Publishers to Think Outside the Book
A new report, issued today by global publishing adviser Ixxus, aims to help academic publishers organize their move to a more digitally focused landscape. The sixteen-page whitepaper, called "Thinking Outside the Books: Reinventing Educational Publishing for the Digital Age" and accessible HERE, stems from ongoing relationships with some of the largest names in academic … [Read more...] about New Whitepaper Advises Academic Publishers to Think Outside the Book
Death and Destruction: Overused Terms to Describe Publishing
Can we all agree that we will stop using terms like "killing" and "death" to describe the state of publishing? First, it's disrespectful to all the real cases presented in the news daily of actual killing and death. In case anyone has forgotten, we lost a prominent actor to heroin overdose recently, and news surfaced yesterday of a young girl being stoned to death in Syria … [Read more...] about Death and Destruction: Overused Terms to Describe Publishing
Us vs Them Rears Its Head in Publishing Once More
First, there was JA Konrath's post with Hugh Howey on how to determine how many ebooks are sold, and how that information can affect authors in their publishing decision making. Then there was a literary agent's harsh response to Konrath and Howey's insight, once again claiming that traditional publishing is the way to go. Then there was the rebuttal to the rebuttal of … [Read more...] about Us vs Them Rears Its Head in Publishing Once More
Amazon Publishing Wins Auction of Self-Published Author’s New Thriller
While the news indicates that Amazon Publishing may be floundering a little in the US, its UK publishing division just bid on and won a multiple-rights five-figure deal for a self-published author's new historical thriller title, The Thief Taker by Cath Quinn. Set in seventeenth century London during the plague, Quinn's title will be published under the Thomas & Mercer … [Read more...] about Amazon Publishing Wins Auction of Self-Published Author’s New Thriller
Traditional Publishers Learn What Indie Authors Have Known All Along
Ask any traditionally published author what frustrates him most about the industry, and the list of complaints might be rather varied. A survey of 9,000 authors conducted by Digital Book World and Writer's Digest cited lack of creative control, royalties, and editorial decision making on the list, but one other factor that still plagues authors is the seemingly random and … [Read more...] about Traditional Publishers Learn What Indie Authors Have Known All Along
Open Road Acquires eBook Publisher E-Reads
An announcement today shared that the oldest ebook publisher and the largest independent ebook publisher have now joined forces to combine their catalogs of high-interest and genre specific titles from some of the most well-known authors in their fields. Open Road Integrated Media announced that it has acquired E-Reads, formed in 2009 by literary agent Richard … [Read more...] about Open Road Acquires eBook Publisher E-Reads