One of the early top names in travel ebooks was Lonely Planet, a publisher who happily morphed from the printed pocket guides to each country or region into adoption of full-color ebooks that could be used both online and offline. But it hasn't been an easy journey to the digital transition for the travel publisher, as the abundance of free websites, travel blogs, and … [Read more...] about Get Ready for the Olympics with a Free Lonely Planet eBook
Do Republicans Read?
There have been two major sales spikes in the past week, both of them noteworthy due to their unexpected rise in popularity and the fact that both of them were highlighted from the stage at the Democratic National Convention. The first was the "pocket Constitution," which Khizr Khan held up in defiance to GOP candidate Donald Trump; Khan offered to loan his dog-eared copy to … [Read more...] about Do Republicans Read?
Simon & Schuster Digital Sales Have Fallen 6%
Simon & Schuster has just released their financial results for the second quarter of 2016. The publisher has admitted that digital sales have decreased by 6%. Audiobook and e-Book sales now account for 23% of their total revenue stream. Print and digital generated $187 million from April to June, during the same period of 2015 they made $199 million. Best-selling … [Read more...] about Simon & Schuster Digital Sales Have Fallen 6%
The US Audiobook Industry Increased by 42% in February
The audiobook industry has been experiencing unparalleled growth over the course of the last two years. The Association of American Publishers has just released their monthly report and the audiobook sales increased by over 42% in February 2016. Digital audiobooks also increased 37% in January over the same period last year, according to the AAP. Audible, the biggest … [Read more...] about The US Audiobook Industry Increased by 42% in February
e-Book Piracy Suffers a Serious Blow
The founder of one of the world's largest Torrent sites has been arrested and it looks like only a matter of time before KickassTorrents is shuttered. This is a serious blow against people who pirate e-books. “Vaulin is charged with running today’s most visited illegal file-sharing website, responsible for unlawfully distributing well over $1 billion of copyrighted … [Read more...] about e-Book Piracy Suffers a Serious Blow
How Romance Authors Are Really Faring
Author Earnings is at it again, this time sharing crucial information on the state of romance publishing at the recent Romance Writers of America conference. Romance publishing--even before the advent of self-publishing and digital publishing--has always had this stigma attached to it, as though the work of these talented authors amounts to nothing more than a source of funds … [Read more...] about How Romance Authors Are Really Faring
E-Book Sales Increase 9% in the Netherlands
E-Book sales have increased 9% in the second quarter of 2016 in the Netherlands. This is the first time that sales have seen positive growth in quite awhile. In the first quarter of the year sales fell 7% and in Q4 2015 they fell 1%. One of the reasons why e-books are doing so well, is because the prices have come down. Overall, the average price of an e-book from a major … [Read more...] about E-Book Sales Increase 9% in the Netherlands
Libraries have loaned out a record number of e-books in 2016
Libraries are investing more money in a proper digital collection and patrons are starting to take notice. In 2015 over 30 different libraries in Canada and the United States loaned out over 1 million e-book titles. It looks like this record is going to be absolutely smashed in 2016. Overdrive has reported that 50 library systems achieved over 500,000 digital checkouts in … [Read more...] about Libraries have loaned out a record number of e-books in 2016
Belgium is going to lower the VAT on e-Books to 6%
The Parliamentary Committee for Finance on Wednesday unanimously approved a proposal to lower the VAT on e-books in Belgium to 6%. This should result in lower prices, because the old VAT on digital books was a whopping 21%. Belgium will be the first European country to charge the same VAT for print and digital. This should be a boon for local publishers and indie authors … [Read more...] about Belgium is going to lower the VAT on e-Books to 6%