Indie Authors Triumphing over Sexism in the Publishing Industry Writer/creator Joss Whedon has an epic quote about sexism in the entertainment… Mercy Pilkington9 March 2015
Clean Reader Removes the Profanity from e-Books Contemporary e-books are normally full of profanity and some of the classics… Michael Kozlowski7 March 2015
No Tax Break on eBooks in the EU There’s a fun throwaway scene in the iconic climate change movie, The… Mercy Pilkington6 March 2015
Amazon e-books Once Again Available in US Libraries Overdrive has been engulfed in a massive technical issue that made thousands… Michael Kozlowski6 March 2015
B&N’s Nook Press in Bed with the Author Solutions Devil? It’s no secret among members of the self-publishing community that there are… Mercy Pilkington5 March 2015
Playaway Unveils a Pre-Loaded, Controlled Tablet for Kids’ Circulation Users who are familiar with the technology behind Playaways, the preloaded mini-MP3… Mercy Pilkington4 March 2015
Digital Editions Fill the Gaps Where Library Catalogs Dwindle The digital reading space has come a long way from the era… Mercy Pilkington1 March 2015
First Round of Reader-Selected Kindle Scout Titles Ready for Pre-Order Amazon is always on the lookout for ways to improve both the… Mercy Pilkington25 February 2015
Libraries Are Concerned About the Lack of New e-books in the Kindle Format Libraries all over the US have expressed concern to Good e-Reader that… Michael Kozlowski23 February 2015
Digital Publishing Startup Screwpulp Gets a Facelift, New Name Despite the adage that you can’t judge a book by its cover,… Mercy Pilkington16 February 2015
Educators Foresee e-Books to be More Prevalent School libraries have been early adopters of e-books, but they have yet… Michael Kozlowski15 February 2015
Comprehensive List of Free e-Book Websites for your e-Reader If you own an e-reader you often can only buy e-books from… Michael Kozlowski13 February 2015
Hosting an Author Giveaway – Part II In yesterday’s post on Amazon’s new giveaway tool, there were some initial… Mercy Pilkington13 February 2015
Tips for Authors Hosting an Amazon Giveaway – Part I Amazon’s new giveaway tool was only launched this week but it has… Mercy Pilkington12 February 2015
School Libraries Vital to Literacy Rates Among Students Libraries present an interesting conundrum to policy makers and patrons alike. A… Mercy Pilkington9 February 2015
Has Literature Evolved in the Last Decade? Yes and Here’s Why Has literature evolved in the last decade? You would be hard-pressed to… Michael Kozlowski9 February 2015
Are e-Book and Print Sales Cycles Different? We are living in a digital world where major publishers have firmly… Michael Kozlowski8 February 2015
Backlash Against Mockingbird Sequel as Concerns for Author’s Status Come Out The reading world was riveted earlier this week by reports that a… Mercy Pilkington5 February 2015