In another stunning display of both truth in publishing and meticulous attention to the data, the latest release from AuthorEarnings takes on another facet of the traditional publishing industry, namely the lies surrounding scifi and fantasy publishing. In a presentation at the 2018 SFWA Nebula Conference, cape-wearing number cruncher Data Guy presented findings that dispel a … [Read more...] about AuthorEarnings Debunks Industry Lies Surrounding SciFi, Fantasy
Hugh Howey
Who Cares about the Indie Authors?
A new article about the current blockbuster novels has spurred some intriguing discussion. Coupled with the general air of resentment aimed at remakes of iconic films--looking at you, horrific and unnecessary nightmare of a Dirty Dancing remake--has people asking the question, "Books are published literally every single day...why are only a handful of titles getting the star … [Read more...] about Who Cares about the Indie Authors?
The Industry Finally Acknowledges Indies Are Authors
The gates have finally been thrown open, all are welcome here... Such is the dramatic sentiment now that indie authors have been given their very own day at one of the previously excluding events, Digital Book World. With the laughable and out-of-date self-titled proclamation, "DBW Indie Author: The First Conference For The New Professional Author," industry leaders are once … [Read more...] about The Industry Finally Acknowledges Indies Are Authors
Why Is Self-Publishing Still a “Last Resort?”
The digital publishing revolution, such as it was, had many facets. There was the birth of the take-anywhere traditionally published ebooks, the hope of educational reform through bells and whistles digital textbooks, and perhaps most important of all, the self-publishing arm that allowed anyone to write, publish, and potentially sell a book. But in the space of the few years … [Read more...] about Why Is Self-Publishing Still a “Last Resort?”
Closing the Gap: Indies Are Outselling “Real” Authors
Yes, the headline is intentionally inflammatory, and not in a click-bait sort of way. There are many in the publishing industry (and sadly, many even among the lowly writers themselves) who still don't view self-publishing as a viable, respectable avenue to "real" authors. Now that we've gotten mention of that mindset out of the way, it's time to dive into the actual meat of … [Read more...] about Closing the Gap: Indies Are Outselling “Real” Authors
Ebook Piracy Still Plaguing Authors
It started out not-so-innocently enough with a now-deleted, vapid Facebook post from Hillary Ganzeel: "Anyone know of (pirate sites) places to get free ebooks?!" It was followed by a series of monkey emoticons, for some reason. As is to be expected, the backlash was swift and ugly from both sides. Authors rallied behind the notion that they deserve respect and the concept … [Read more...] about Ebook Piracy Still Plaguing Authors
Wool Screenplay Gets Rewritten by Nicole Perlman
Hugh Howey's self-published e-book WOOL is hunting around for a director and is being produced Ridley Scott and Steve Zaillian. In order to make the screenplay more appealing to a solid director, “Guardians of the Galaxy” scribe Nicole Perlman is going to rewrite the script. “Wool” has quickly become a poster child for the self-publishing movement. The book sold over … [Read more...] about Wool Screenplay Gets Rewritten by Nicole Perlman
How Agency Pricing Has Affected the Bestseller Lists
Hugh Howey and Friends (that really should be a trademarked superhero team name, as you'll see in a moment) has launched the sixth quarterly Author Earnings report, a seemingly flawless look at how ebooks are actually selling on Amazon. The reports have always served to try to get a better picture of how self-published authors are actually faring in the bookselling landscape, … [Read more...] about How Agency Pricing Has Affected the Bestseller Lists
What Nielsen Can Tell Indie Authors
The kind people at Nielsen BookScan do a fairly decent job at uncovering consumer behaviors towards books, then compare that data year over year to highlight the trends in this ever-evolving market. But a lot of self-published authors--especially ones who limit their work to Amazon or who think they're not selling enough copies to even register as a blip on Nielsen's … [Read more...] about What Nielsen Can Tell Indie Authors
Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results
DBW has been conducting in-depth author surveys over the past few years, releasing annual reports on the state of publishing from the viewpoints of these survey respondents. The results, which will be compiled, examined, and released at next week's Digital Book World event, attempt to give a clear picture of how authors are faring in both traditional and self-publishing, along … [Read more...] about Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results