As reading consumers, we've gone from having no digital content to have more choice than ever before in ebook retailing, all in just a short amount of time. Truthfully, ebook retailers are like coffee shops: everyone has their favorite, but there's fairly little difference in what they offer, how they price their content, and the overall customer experience. However, a new … [Read more...] about New eBook Platform Solves Promo Problems
self publishing
Pronoun Self-Publishing Platform Closes Its Doors
Yet another self-publishing service has closed its doors, but in the case of Pronoun, it's not the usual "get rich off authors' dreams" story that so many other sites have fallen victim to. Originally created as an arm of multimedia publishing platform Vook, Pronoun was purchased by Macmillan (yes, THAT Macmillan, as in one of the Big Five) in the spring of 2016, but has been … [Read more...] about Pronoun Self-Publishing Platform Closes Its Doors
Turns Out Piracy ISN’T Good for Authors…Or Readers
In what has to be the winner of the Captain Obvious Award, new voices are speaking out against rampant ebook piracy. Now, it's not as though anyone doesn't understand that piracy of copyrighted content is theft. In fact, that has been openly acknowledged for quite some time. No, in a shocking turn of events, authors have been told that piracy is not only a sign that they're … [Read more...] about Turns Out Piracy ISN’T Good for Authors…Or Readers
It’s Not Too Late to NaNo
If you're connected to any writers on social media, your timelines are probably already filled with the complete spectrum of emotions concerning NaNoWriMo, or National Novel Writing Month. The elation at meeting or passing your word count goal for the day can be cause for a little humble-bragging, but the angst that goes with life events preventing you from getting to the … [Read more...] about It’s Not Too Late to NaNo
It’s NaNo Time Again…
Ordinary folks may be stringing a few more fake cobwebs around the lamp post in preparation for Halloween tomorrow night, but die-hard authors--an anticipated 350,000 or so--are busy plotting and scheming against their characters and their plots. It's NaNo time again, or National Novel Writing Month. If there's anyone left, book lover or author alike, who's never heard of … [Read more...] about It’s NaNo Time Again…
CreateSpace Is Closing Its Online Bookstore
Amazon owns CreateSpace, the print-on-demand solution that allows indie authors to produce print editions of their work and then seamlessly integrate them into Amazon's online bookstore. CreateSpace started out as an independent company before being bought by the online retailer some time ago, and as such, CS has kept its own online bookstore in operation all this time. But … [Read more...] about CreateSpace Is Closing Its Online Bookstore
New Bowker Study Finds Increasing Growth in SelfPub ISBNs
If there was still doubt in anyone's mind that self-publishing is not only viable but here to stay, a new report from Bowker might cement it once and for all. The rate of ISBN purchase for self-published books has increased by more than 218% since 2011, back when the digital revolution arguably took off. The Bowker report, "Self-Publishing in the United States, 2011-2016 Print … [Read more...] about New Bowker Study Finds Increasing Growth in SelfPub ISBNs
Thinking of Scamming Amazon? Think Again.
For years, the members of both the reading and writing public have been vehemently outspoken about abuse of the ebook sales and rankings systems, especially on Amazon. Claims of fake reviews, plots to buy your own book in bulk to manipulate the sales numbers, and an overgrowth of companies that sell guaranteed increases in rankings have basically spoiled the system for … [Read more...] about Thinking of Scamming Amazon? Think Again.
Smashwords Announces New eBook Promotion Tool
In the ongoing debate about whether or not to list your indie book exclusively with one retailer, there are a few things that authors have to consider. Chief among the concerns usually falls back on sales: where are your books selling? If readers only come to your book via Amazon, for example, and you literally post zero sales on other platforms, it would make sense to then go … [Read more...] about Smashwords Announces New eBook Promotion Tool
Profanity in Books: Is It a Good Thing?
“Substitute ‘damn’ every time you’re inclined to write ‘very,’” Mark Twain famously said. “Your editor will delete it and the writing will be just as it should be.” Well, damn. Yes, back in the day, your editor--often working under strict guidelines from the publisher--would slash a red pen through anything considered outside the acceptable standards for profanity (this … [Read more...] about Profanity in Books: Is It a Good Thing?