Barnes and Noble is developing their own Nook Tablet

Barnes and Noble abandoned making their own tablets in 2013 and forged…

Barnes and Noble Nook vs the Amazon Kindle Bookstore

Amazon and Barnes and Noble have two of the best digital bookstores…

Samsung Galaxy Tab A Nook is Getting Android 6.0

The Samsung Galaxy Tab A Nook is going to be receiving an operating…

Nook Press Offers Authors Free Pricing Option

Attention Authors! Now you can charge even less for your hard work.…

B&N Nook Glowlight Plus Water Test

The Barnes and Noble Nook Glowlight Plus has been on the market…

Barnes and Noble Nook Leadership is in Turmoil

Barnes and Noble has a leadership problem and they are finding it difficult…

Barnes and Noble Experiences a $7.9 Million Loss on the Nook

Barnes and Noble has just announced their latest financial results and things…

Samsung Galaxy Tab A Nook vs Nook HD

Barnes and Noble has just released the brand new Samsung Galaxy Tab…

B&N Samsung Galaxy Tab A Nook Review

Barnes and Noble has just released their first tablet of 2016 and it is…

Barnes and Noble Nook is on Life Support

Barnes and Noble fired CEO Ron Boire last week, claiming that he…

Barnes and Noble Releases the Samsung Galaxy Tab A Nook Tablet

Barnes and Noble has released their first tablet of 2016 and it…

Nook Unveils Evening Mode in iOS 6.4.0 Update

Barnes and Noble has just updated their app for iOS and it…

Barnes and Nobles Number One Priority is to Reduce Nook Expenses

Barnes and Noble conducted a massive investors conference where they broke down…

Barnes and Noble Nook Sales Decreased by 27.4% in 2015

Barnes and Noble has just released their fiscal results for the past…