Book Baby Just Broke the Internet for Indie Authors

Since the original innovations in digital publishing and self-publishing first came along,…

New Report Uncovers China’s Book Sales

If there was every any doubt about the need for authors and…

New Initiative Puts India Closer to Broader Digital Adoption

One of the early adoption markets for tablet use, K12 digital textbooks,…

Amazon Textbook Creator Could Be the Khan Academy of Textbooks

Once you secure your position as the ultimate player in self-publishing, where…

OverDrive Announces Growth in K12 Market

Any time a library can report an increase in circulation, patron engagement,…

Amazon Faces Tax Woes in EU

Book and retail giant Amazon has come under fire over the years…

Boopsie Library-Branded Apps Increase Patron Engagement

When library patrons think of ebook lending, they might be familiar with…

FarFaria Combats Drop in Children’s Reading

Scholastic recently released the results of one of its many annual surveys,…

BookShout Brings in Key Players for New Print Distribution

BookShout, the ebook distribution platform that has seen a great deal of…

Authors as Educators: Simon & Schuster Offers Online Courses

In a market that has become increasingly flooded with books–both bad and…

Cutting Out Amazon: Why Direct-to-Consumers Hasn’t Taken Off

At this year’s Digital Book World event, there’s a highly anticipated panel…

Looking Ahead to DBW’s Author Survey Results

DBW has been conducting in-depth author surveys over the past few years,…