HarperCollins Starts Selling eBooks in China HarperCollins has struck new partnership with JD.com and China National Publications Import…Michael Kozlowski10 September 20140 Comments1 minute read
US University Opens Up the First All eBook Library Florida Polytechnic University has just opened their doors and instead of dusty…Michael Kozlowski31 August 20140 Comments1 minute read
Harvard Classics Available as Free eBooks First published in 1909, The Harvard Classics is an anthology consisting of…23 August 20140 Comments2 minute read
Amazon Kindle Unlimited will Never Take off Relying on Indie Authors Amazon Kindle Unlimited is a new program that for a small monthly…Michael Kozlowski17 August 20146 Comments2 minute read
84% of Publishers Plan to make eBooks in 2014 Publishers and self-publishers are having a love affair with eBooks. Ever since…Michael Kozlowski4 August 20140 Comments1 minute read
BookPal Starts Wholesale eBook Business BookPal has just launched a brand new wholesale eBook operation, that will…Michael Kozlowski29 July 20141 Comment1 minute read
90% of US Libraries now Loan out eBooks Libraries in the United States have been steadily embracing digital books for…Michael Kozlowski25 July 20141 Comment5 minute read
Amazon Offers Ups Its Percentage of Sales to Charity In the latest twist in the Amazon-Hachette dispute, Amazon has proven once…Mercy Pilkington24 July 20141 Comment2 minute read
REVIEW: Liberio eBook Publication Platform Whenever a new tool comes along that makes it even easier for…Mercy Pilkington23 July 20140 Comments3 minute read
Authors United to Issue New Directive to Amazon As Hachette, Amazon, and the laundry list of household name authors who…Mercy Pilkington22 July 20141 Comment2 minute read
Amazon Rolls Out Beta of KDP Pricing Support New information and knowledge have come to light thanks to the efforts…Mercy Pilkington22 July 20140 Comments2 minute read
Wattpad Announces Creative Commons Agreement Copyright is a hotly contested issue facing both authors and the publishing…Mercy Pilkington22 July 20140 Comments2 minute read
First Quarter Digital Sales on the Rise The PA Digital Sales Monitor, new report from the UK-based Publishers’ Association,…Mercy Pilkington22 July 20140 Comments2 minute read