Traditional Publishing Dismisses Author Earnings Report In what is perhaps the single most telling example of why the…Mercy Pilkington20 July 20142 comments2 minute read
Kindle Unlimited Goes Live with eBook, Audiobook Titles Amazon’s Kindle Unlimited, the ebook and audiobook subscription service that lets members…Mercy Pilkington18 July 2014One comment2 minute read
US Supreme Court Refuses to Hear Copyright Arguments over Sherlock Holmes Most people don’t think of copyright law when they think of gripping…Mercy Pilkington18 July 2014One comment2 minute read
New Author Earnings Report Compiles Mid-Year Numbers Author Earnings, who has a two-fold mission that encompasses supporting authors of…Mercy Pilkington17 July 2014One comment2 minute read
More Speculation on the Final Bill for Apple’s Price Fixing Problems News was announced yesterday from the lawyers for the plaintiffs in one…Mercy Pilkington17 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Kobo Adds Catalog of Dr. Seuss Titles Kids ebooks have been slow to take off, despite the great content…Mercy Pilkington17 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Amazon Enters eBook Subscription Market with Kindle Unlimited It’s rare that Amazon isn’t leading the charge in some aspect of…Mercy Pilkington16 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Sweeping Changes in UK Govt Could Have Impact on Digital Publishing The Internet was buzzing this morning with the news of UK Prime…Mercy Pilkington15 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Amazon Offer Rejected by Hachette, Authors’ Organization In a semi-olive branch move, Amazon offered last week to extend 100%…Mercy Pilkington14 July 20142 comments2 minute read
Data Conversion Laboratory Webinar Explores eBooks in the K12 Classroom One of the last groups to adopt ebooks in a widespread and…Mercy Pilkington14 July 2014One comment2 minute read
The Stigma Around Erotica Continues Despite the fact that Fifty Shades of Grey is old news–at least…Mercy Pilkington13 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Advice to Indie Authors: Don’t Overlook Kobo When Amazon introduced KDP Select, the exclusive program that offered indie authors…Mercy Pilkington12 July 20143 comments2 minute read
Book Review: Will to Live by Gary Edinger Verdict: 4 Stars Despite Good e-Reader’s focus on digital publishing and ebooks,…Mercy Pilkington9 July 2014One comment2 minute read