Were “Flash in the Pan” Predictions Right?

When ebooks first appeared on the literary scene in a big way,…

What Makes Kids Read?

Scholastic, the world’s largest publisher of children’s content and innovators in kids’…

India Tackles Digital Textbooks with 3.7M Student Rollout

On the same day that the Times of India reported on the…

French Publishing Contracts Now Have a Separate Clause for e-Books

There has been a dramatic change to French Intellectual Property Code in…

South Korean e-Book Market to Make Huge Gains in 2015

The South Korean e-Book market is one of the ten largest in…

San Francisco Public Library is Leading the Charge on Digital

The San Francisco Library system first started to get involved in loaning…

Simon & Schuster Commits to Library e-Book Lending in the UK

Simon & Schuster has fully committed themselves to having their e-Books available…

Will eBook Readers Use VPN Services in Europe to Save on VAT in 2015?

Starting in January 2015 VAT prices on e-Books will be changing all…

Macmillan Intends on Entering e-Book Subscription Market

Macmillan has announced that they intend on entering the e-Book subscription model…

Why Do Some People Avoid Commercial e-Readers?

The Amazon Kindle, Barnes and Noble Nook and Kobo have become strong…

Bookbaby Discontinues Free & Standard eBook Publishing Package

BookBaby is a company that specializes in digital publishing and allows their…

Kids Experiencing Massive Problems with Book Discovery

Book discovery is a pressing issue in the print and digital world.…

Libraries Reinvent themselves in the Digital Age

When people think of libraries they normally envision old ladies with cats…