Amazon to Forfeit Royalties, Offers Hachette Authors 100% of Sales In another twist in the ongoing fight between Amazon and publisher Hachette,…Mercy Pilkington9 July 2014One comment2 minute read
JK Rowling Writes New Harry Potter Story There’s a good reason that JK Rowling is as beloved as her…Mercy Pilkington8 July 2014One comment3 minute read
Digital Textbooks Get Added Accessibility Support through Vital Source Ingram Content Group’s solutions division Vital Source Technologies, Inc., presented a new…Mercy Pilkington8 July 2014No comments2 minute read
Hugh Howey on Writers’ Unions: Who Really Speaks for Authors? There are a few groups out there that claim to be the…Mercy Pilkington7 July 20145 comments3 minute read
Nook Press Blog Offers Support to Indie Authors There’s a lot of talk about Amazon and what it has done…Mercy Pilkington6 July 20142 comments2 minute read
eBook Review: The Silkworm by Robert Gilbraith Verdict: 5 Stars Rowling/Gilbraith has done it again, and this one may…Mercy Pilkington6 July 2014No comments2 minute read
Big Five Back in Court over eBook Pricing When the dust finally settled from the Department of Justice lawsuit against…Mercy Pilkington6 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Adobe Digital Editions Rolls Out Private Beta for ePUB3 For fans of both Adobe Digital Editions ebook reading platform and the…Mercy Pilkington5 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Light Up Your Fourth with Amazon’s Best Books of July As the Independence Day festivities carry over for many people due to…Mercy Pilkington5 July 2014One comment2 minute read
Get Your Kids Reading this Summer with e-Reading Apps Kids these days have either their own smartphone or tablet, or have…Michael Kozlowski5 July 20143 comments2 minute read
Debunking Amazon’s 70% Royalty for Indie Authors and Publishers With news this week that Amazon has added whole new international markets…Mercy Pilkington3 July 2014One comment3 minute read
The End for World Book Night In a heartfelt and obviously saddened letter today, the organizers behind World…Mercy Pilkington2 July 20142 comments2 minute read
US Publishers Earn More through Online Sales than Physical Stores In a report from two entities that watch the publishing industry in…Mercy Pilkington30 June 2014One comment2 minute read