Pubsoft Revamps HTML Web Viewer for eBooks

As more and more publishers look to optimize content for mobile device…

DBW Digital Book Award Winners Announced

At an awards gala at the end of the second full day…

Sourcebooks: Rethinking Failure in the Digital Age

Sourcebooks’ CEO Dominique Raccah is a force for change in publishing, priding…

The Digital Revolution Is Just Beginning

Tim O’Reilly, CEO of O’Reilly Media, presented a “solo conversation” this morning…

The CEOs Speak: Growth in Digital Books

A long-standing tradition at Digital Book World’s conferences is to start with…

OverDrive Announces Banner Year for School, Library eBook Lending

As digital library lending continues to take root in public and school…

B&N the Next Book Retailer Facing Class Action Lawsuit

Following information that a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation is underway against…

Sourcebooks Publishers Thriving in Difficult Publishing Climate

In an industry-wide climate in which booksellers are struggling to keep their…

Digital Book World: Kids and eReading Study Data Released

As things got underway at the annual Digital Book World conference in…

eBook Review: The Atlantis Plague by A G Riddle

Verdict: 5 Stars It seems that recent and current global events have…

Hitler’s Book Rising in Non-Fiction Charts

Move over, ebook authors, there’s a new bestselling author to watch out…

Libraries, Gale Partner for Online Accredited High School Diploma Program

According to data gathered by Cengage Learning, one US student drops out…

Sales Down for Barnes and Noble, But How Bad Is Bad?

While consumers might be alarmed by headlines that blare dire warnings about…

Key Genres Underrepresented in Writing Contests

One outlet that authors–both traditionally published and self-published–can turn to for much…