OverDrive Unveils Enhanced eBook Lending at ALA Midwinter

OverDrive, one of the global leaders in digital content solutions for more…

Execs Leaving B&N While Nook Rolls Out Global Plan

Critics and industry speculators have been saying the same thing for far…

Free Qlovi Platform Helps Teachers Meet Common Core Standards

Teachers in adopting states have struggled to adapt to the rigorous requirements…

Unglue.it Goes Live with Its First Crowdfunded eBook

A revolutionary concept in fostering free use of books launched only a…

eBook Review: Cinderella Spinderella by Mark Binder

Verdict: 4 Stars When you’re up for a digital book innovation award…

How Vampires Sparked the eBook Revolution

A quick Amazon search for vampire titles shows 21,103 Kindle ebook results;…

Amazon Publishing, CreateSpace Launch 7th Annual ABNA Awards

Submissions open next month for authors to enter their titles in the…

Pew Internet Study: Print and Digital Aren’t Going Anywhere

Industry watchers keep sharing impossible headlines, everything from “print is dead,” to…

Sylvia Day Defies the Numbers with Most Recent Multi-Digit Book Deal

A study unveiled yesterday at the Digital Book World Conference and Expo…

Norway’s Answer to eBook Lending: Free Books

As US libraries and subscription models struggle with publishers and rights holders…

DBW Buzzwords, Interview with Tim O’Reilly

Another great DBW digital publishing conference is behind us, and once again…

DBW, Writers Digest Survey on Author Satisfaction with the Industry

Digital Book World and Writer’s Digest magazine announced some of the results…

Dissecting Amazon’s Predatory “Everything” Strategy

At the Digital Book World Conference and Expo, publishing industry professionals come…

Howey’s “Peace in Amber” Fan Fiction Remembers 9/11

Only someone who really knows his craft and listens to his inner…