Sex Sells: Big Foot, Gargoyles, and Erotica, Oh My!

It’s no secret that romance and erotica top the list of bestselling…

eBook Review: Topless Jihadis by Jeffrey Tayler

Verdict: 5 Stars Its full title, Topless Jihadis—Inside Femen, the World’s Most…

Too Much Choice Can Impede eBook Sales

A post by Shannon of the DuoLit team from earlier this year…

Ebook Bundles Add Value, Discovery to Authors’ Works

As authors and publishers clamor to help their titles be found in…

Oyster eBook Subscription Gets Titles from Perseus

When subscription reading was first introduced several years ago, companies like Spain-based…

New Book Discovery Engine Novelry Aids Searchability

One of the key issues plaguing an admittedly glutted ebook market is…

Scribd, Smashwords Partner to Put Indie Authors’ Work in Subscription Service

This might be a biased statement given the amount of news that…

Vellum Self-Publishing App for Mac Aims to Do It All…

A new self-publishing app for Mac by software veterans Brad Andalman and…

Kindle Worlds Releases Work by Howey Based on Slaughterhouse Five

When Amazon Publishing announced the creation of its fan fiction publishing site…

Is the Publishing Industry Wasting Its Time on Tablets?

One of the anticipated major trends of 2013, at least according to…

Without a Blockbuster Title for the Holidays, Indie Authors Can Step Up to the Plate

The past few holiday shopping seasons have seen a good-sized upswing in…

Resurgence of Indie Bookstores Means They Have a New Role to Fill

A number of articles have been written lately, like this prominent one…

Digitization of 550-Year-Old Bible Sparks Conversation About Publishing

Sometimes, the real news on the internet happens in the comments’ section,…

Turkey Enacts Law to Lower VAT on eBooks

One of the initial debates about the recent growth of digital publishing…