Scholastic Unveils Storia School Edition As global leaders in both children’s content development and educational innovation, Scholastic…Mercy Pilkington30 April 2014One comment2 minute read
YUDU’s BookSnacking Revamps Bookstore Browsing for eBooks One of the things that reading consumers lost with the transition to…Mercy Pilkington30 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Scholastic’s Goosebumps Series to Be Adapted for Film Sony announced today that it is in production of a film adaptation…Mercy Pilkington28 April 2014One comment1 minute read
eBook RevIew: You Show Me Yours by Larry Grobel Verdict: 5 Stars There’s a fine line between being a well-respected biographer…Mercy Pilkington28 April 2014One comment2 minute read
The Impact of eBooks on the Fight Against Censorship Following yet another living, breathing attempt at book banning–this time in Boise,…Mercy Pilkington27 April 2014One comment2 minute read
PW Interprets Print Sales Data One of the most common misconceptions surrounding writing and publishing relates to…Mercy Pilkington25 April 2014One comment2 minute read
ABNA Awards Reach Quarter Finals The Amazon Breakthrough Novel Awards have reached the next stage in the…Mercy Pilkington24 April 20142 comments2 minute read
Mark Coker’s Indie Author Manifesto To say that self-publishing has unleashed something profound around the world is…Mercy Pilkington23 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Can Yuzu Save Barnes and Noble? Despite the reports and rumors that swirl around bookseller Barnes and Noble,…Mercy Pilkington23 April 20142 comments2 minute read
Blurb Unveils New Streamlined Tools for Authors For many self-published authors, the various ebook distribution platforms that have made…Mercy Pilkington22 April 20143 comments2 minute read
World Book Night Unveils eBook Giveaway for 2014 The World Book Night organization is best known for its mission to…Mercy Pilkington21 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Marketing through Book Clubs and Paid Reviewers Now that the world of self-publishing has become more commonplace and tools…Mercy Pilkington20 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Overcoming the Scarcity of Attention for Books One of the more crowded panels at the recent PubSmartCon was the…Mercy Pilkington20 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Authorpreneurship and the Business of Being an Author At today’s PubSmartCon panels, industry professionals presented a panel on the business…Mercy Pilkington17 April 2014One comment3 minute read