Ingram Partnership Streamlines Pubishing Tools One of the country’s largest sources for printing books has teamed up…Mercy Pilkington4 April 2014No comments1 minute read
AAP Says eBook Sales Increased by 3.8%, But Indies Ignored The Association of American Publishers has released the results of a survey…Mercy Pilkington2 April 20142 comments1 minute read
Camp NaNoWriMo Kicks Off Today Most authors and even a good number of readers have at least…Mercy Pilkington1 April 2014One comment2 minute read
JK Rowling to Write New Harry Potter Screenplays If anyone in the publishing industry has everything under control, it’s JK…Mercy Pilkington31 March 2014One comment2 minute read
IPR License Launches Trade Rights to Foster International Rights Sales One of the world’s well-known sources for global books rights is the…Mercy Pilkington31 March 2014One comment2 minute read
Paper Lantern Lit and the Rise of the Hybrid Agent In all of the recent debate surrounding traditional publishing versus self-publishing, both…Mercy Pilkington31 March 20142 comments3 minute read
School Libraries Adapt or Face Closure in Digital Age Most of us have fond memories of our school libraries, remembering them…Mercy Pilkington31 March 2014One comment2 minute read
New Plaintiffs Come on Board Against Apple for eBook Price Fixing Apple is still waiting for the final decision from Judge Denise Cote…Mercy Pilkington28 March 2014One comment1 minute read
BookNet Canada 2013 Report: Print Book Sales Declined New data comes in each year about the viability of the print…Mercy Pilkington24 March 2014One comment1 minute read
eBook Prices to increase by 20% in the UK in 2015 Residents of the United Kingdom will see an increase in tax for…Michael Kozlowski23 March 20143 comments1 minute read
How Does a Bookstore Thrive in this Economic Climate? Beer. Industry watchers and experts have been wrestling with the plight of the…Mercy Pilkington21 March 2014One comment2 minute read
Wattpad Announces Two Writing Contests for Its Authors Reading and writing platform Wattpad has become a haven for authors and…Mercy Pilkington21 March 20143 comments1 minute read
eBook Sales Continue to Thrive It’s been years since the onset of the most recent digital publishing…Mercy Pilkington20 March 20142 comments1 minute read
Pew Internet Study Finds Technology to Be a Draw for Public Libraries The Pew Research Center has become a mainstay for detailed data on…Mercy Pilkington18 March 2014One comment2 minute read