PubSmartCon Kicks Off Tomorrow in Charleston A revolution in writing and publishing conferences will kick off tomorrow in…Mercy Pilkington15 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Small Business Owner Blocks Amazon’s Purchase of Domain Name Amazon customers in Sweden will have to wait it out to begin…Mercy Pilkington15 April 2014One comment1 minute read
Pulitzer Prize Winners Announced: The Goldfinch Wins for Fiction It is shockingly easy to enter a book into the Pulitzer Prizes…Mercy Pilkington15 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Spanish Language eBook Market Comes Into Its Own When ebooks first began their accelerating trend, they were a decidedly English-based…Mercy Pilkington13 April 20142 comments2 minute read
Round Table – Are e-Readers or Tablets Better for Reading? Welcome to another Good e-Reader Round Table Discussion. Today Michael and Peter…Michael Kozlowski12 April 2014No comments1 minute read
Cleis Press, Penthouse Collaborate on New Line of Erotica eBooks It took them long enough, but some of the biggest names in…Mercy Pilkington11 April 2014One comment1 minute read
Hugh Howey Explains the Need for Authors to Give Away Their Books On last week’s IndieChat event, hosted every Tuesday night on Twitter by…Mercy Pilkington11 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Smashwords Reveals Number of Bestselling Authors Overwhelmingly Female Over on the Smashwords blog, CEO and founder Mark Coker posted some…Mercy Pilkington11 April 2014One comment2 minute read
OverDrive eReading Rooms Engage Libraries’ Youngest Patrons As libraries look for news ways to stay relevant and meet their…Mercy Pilkington8 April 2014One comment2 minute read
E-reading Leading to Alarming “Digital Brain” Phenomenon For better or for worse, digital reading is here and it’s everywhere.…Mercy Pilkington8 April 20144 comments2 minute read
Apple Requests Stay in Proceedings After a lengthy court battle over ebook price fixing and collusion with…Mercy Pilkington8 April 2014One comment2 minute read
London Book Fair’s Digital Minds Conference Kicks Off with a Stab at Amazon The broken record of the publishing industry is playing the same old…Mercy Pilkington7 April 2014One comment2 minute read
Book Promo Tours Help Authors Stay Relevant in the Digital Era Publishers, agents, and publicists are taking a cue from the film and…Mercy Pilkington6 April 20143 comments2 minute read
Screwpulp’s Launch May Be the Salvation of Book Reviews Readers and authors alike have been crying foul over book reviews from…Mercy Pilkington4 April 20142 comments2 minute read