David Gaughran on Why Search is More Accessible via Amazon While Amazon has its rabid critics, no one can argue that the…Mercy Pilkington26 February 2013No comments2 minute read
Book Review: Gia & Lincoln’s Aggravating Allergies by Rowena Cala Verdict: 4 Stars It might seem easy to review a children’s a…Mercy Pilkington25 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Buying Your Way Up the Bestseller List First, it was the book reviews. News broke last year that authors…Mercy Pilkington24 February 20135 comments2 minute read
EU to Take Stronger Stance on VAT over eBooks The VAT, or value added tax, on ebooks has been a thorn…Mercy Pilkington22 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Sesame Street Apps Make their Way to the Kindle Fire Sesame Workshop, the creators of dynamic children’s content for a variety of…Mercy Pilkington21 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Amazon, Big Six Sued by Independent Bookstores Over DRM As if there wasn’t enough interesting controversy in the relationship between Amazon…Mercy Pilkington21 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Korean Digital Publishing Platform KakaoPage Taking Over What began as a simple Korean-made app that quickly grew to 70…Mercy Pilkington20 February 2013One comment1 minute read
#IndieReCon Virtual Indie Author Conference – Day Two Yesterday’s kickoff of the first IndieReCon online authors’ conference brought some huge…Mercy Pilkington20 February 2013No comments3 minute read
Readers Digest Files for Bankruptcy Following First Digital-Over-Print Sales Month One of the mainstays of American magazine publishing who enjoyed an extensive…Mercy Pilkington19 February 2013One comment2 minute read
eBook Review: Vintage Tomorrows by James H Carrott and Brian David Johnson Verdict: 4.5 Stars Judging from how hard it is for an author…Mercy Pilkington18 February 20132 comments2 minute read
IndieRecon Online Event Invites All Attendees While many of the major events within the publishing industry are held…Mercy Pilkington18 February 20132 comments2 minute read
eBookPlus To Embed Advertising to Create Free-But-Legal eBooks While digital publishing in its current form is no longer in its…Mercy Pilkington18 February 20132 comments2 minute read
Net Minds Looks at Revitalizing Self-Publishing There’s no doubt that the face of the publishing industry is changing,…Mercy Pilkington15 February 20132 comments3 minute read
How to Build Your Own Book Scanner…But Should You? A very interesting war is being waged on books. This time it…Mercy Pilkington15 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Tizra’s Web-Based Publishing Platform Helps Establish Direct Business for Publishers Even though ebooks and digital publishing are a relatively new concept to…Mercy Pilkington14 February 2013One comment2 minute read
Publishers as Booksellers? At any event in publishing, there are commonalities or themes to the…Mercy Pilkington14 February 20134 comments2 minute read