Canadians who both buy and borrow books purchase more books, on average per month, than buyers who don't use the library at all. According to a new BookNet Canada study, Borrow, Buy, Read: Library Use and Book Buying in Canada, those who had both borrowed a book from a library and purchased one in the last year purchased an average of 3.0 books per month, whereas those who had … [Read more...] about Canadian library users are book buyers
The best large screen e-Readers for reading ebooks
There has been a growing movement in the e-reader industry to embrace large screens on an e-reader. Most of these products are relatively expensive, because they have WACOM screen and come with a stylus to take digital notes or to freehand draw. Most of them focus on editing PDF files and reading ebooks is just something they do. What if you want a large screen just to read … [Read more...] about The best large screen e-Readers for reading ebooks
Are Unlimited ebook subscription services viable in 2019?
Many people purchase ebooks from their favorite retailer or borrow them from the public library. A small majority of people happily pirate them. There is an alternative to all of these things, unlimited ebook subscription services. Is there a future this business model? There are only a small handful of companies that participate in the unlimited model. Kindle Unlimited, … [Read more...] about Are Unlimited ebook subscription services viable in 2019?
This is the big reason why we don’t own ebooks
Digital books have been available to mainstream consumers for the past ten years. Prior to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Kobo and other platforms, authors sold PDF files online online or a myriad of other proprietary formats. Whenever you purchase an ebooks from a major retailer, you do not own it, instead you are licensing it. If a retailer goes bankrupt or shutterers their … [Read more...] about This is the big reason why we don’t own ebooks
EL James Has a New Book Out and We Only Have Ourselves to Blame
It was bad enough when billionaire Christian Grey had his violent way with recent-teenager Anastasia Steele. The 50 Shades trilogy showed that there are no limits to how much book fans are willing to consume, and that self-published Twilight fan fiction could potentially take off in a traditionally-published way. But somewhere between they hype surrounding the movie … [Read more...] about EL James Has a New Book Out and We Only Have Ourselves to Blame
Ebooks are experiencing a crisis of confidence
A few weeks ago Microsoft closed their digital bookstore and customers have lost access to all of the ebooks they paid for. This is not a small startup, where people throw their hands up in the air and exclaim "oh well." Microsoft is an established giant and the fact that they failed at ebooks proves that Amazon dominates the entire US market and it is impossible to compete … [Read more...] about Ebooks are experiencing a crisis of confidence
You can send ebooks to your Kindle with Alexa
Amazon has just unveiled new functionality to add or delete audiobooks and ebooks on your Kindle e-reader using Alexa. This system is setting the stage for eventually incorporating Alexa into the Kindle in a more meaningful way. I think this new Alexa functionality will be best used for deleting content on your Kindle. There is no easy way to delete samples or things you … [Read more...] about You can send ebooks to your Kindle with Alexa
Textbook Prices Continue to Rise Despite Digital Access
When people (re: students) complain about the outrageous cost of higher education, they're usually referring to astronomical tuition increases, seemingly endless student fees, and of course, multi-million dollar bribes to get Junior into his party school of choice. What is often overlooked at first is the inexcusable cost of textbooks, which have risen by more than 88% just … [Read more...] about Textbook Prices Continue to Rise Despite Digital Access
Children Prefer Print Books…Are We Still Surprised?
In unsurprising news, yet another study has concluded that children prefer, interact with, and retain information better when reading a print book instead of an ebook. In this recent study, the example cited was actually toddlers, and the data demonstrated in some way that the children interacted more readily and more profoundly with the text when holding a print book instead … [Read more...] about Children Prefer Print Books…Are We Still Surprised?
Our love affair with ebooks is over
Digital books were once heralded as being a replacement for print and everyone in the bookselling and publishing industry were scared. It looks like our love affair with ebooks is over, primarily due to stagnant sales and a resurgence of print. Independent bookstores are the places where you drop in for the latest paperback, listen to a reading from a favorite author or find … [Read more...] about Our love affair with ebooks is over